
  • Partners;fellows;Company
  1. 那个调皮的男孩啪的一声吹爆了一个纸袋,使伙伴们吓了一跳。

    The mischievous boy startled the company by blowing out a paper bag and bursting it .

  2. 格雷丝给伙伴们唱了首歌。

    Grace obliged the company with a song .

  3. 我过去常同妈妈住所周围的伙伴们一起玩儿。

    I used to knock about with all the lads from round where Mum lives

  4. 他们和伙伴们分开了。

    They became separated from their party .

  5. 他的伙伴们给他施加压力,劝他不要再浪费钱。

    His companions brought pressure to bear on him , urging him to stop wasting money .

  6. 我由于自己的信仰遭到了伙伴们的取笑,但我不在乎。

    I get some stick from the lads because of my faith but I don 't mind .

  7. 她的伙伴们有强烈的获胜欲望。

    Her partners have a strong desire to win .

  8. 那男孩飞跑着加入了伙伴们的行列。

    The boy galloped away to join his friends .

  9. Price先生把皮克斯丢进了米老鼠和它的伙伴们的怀里,假想一切都会顺理成章。

    Mr Price leaves Pixar and its animators in the arms of Mickey Mouse and friends , and assumes that all will be well .

  10. 因此,这宗240亿美元私有化方案的关键在于,迈克尔•戴尔及其在银湖资本(SilverLake)的私募股权伙伴们是否愿意提高出价。

    The $ 24 billion question , therefore , is if Michael Dell and his private equity pals at Silver Lake will increase their offer .

  11. 《玩具总动员》的有趣之处在于,伍迪(Woody)和他的伙伴们只在周围有人时假装不是活的。

    The joke of " Toy Story " is that Woody and his buddies only pretend to be inanimate when people are around .

  12. 他们有可能是多语言的,或许是为了促进与其亚述(Assyrian)伙伴们之间的贸易往来。

    It 's likely that they were multilingual , perhaps to facilitate trade with their Assyrian partners .

  13. 无疑,新微软渠道总监JonRoskill希望合作伙伴们能够在云服务上竞胜。

    No doubt , new Microsoft Channel Chief Jon Roskill wants partners to compete and succeed in the cloud .

  14. 于是他领着他走进“ABC的朋友们”的那间大厅,把他介绍给其他的伙伴们,低声说着这样一句马吕斯听不懂的简单话:“一个开蒙学生。”

    And he led him to the hall of the Friends of the A B C.He presented him to the other comrades , saying this simple word which Marius did not understand : " A pupil . "

  15. 微软公司、华尔街以及微软的硬件和零部件伙伴们将密切关注消费者使用Vista操作系统的情况,看看它是否真的值得等待。

    Microsoft , its hardware and component partners and Wall Street will be keeping a keen eye on customer adoption of Vista to see if it really was worth the wait .

  16. 相信三百四十万年后,露西跟她的伙伴们会不断给我们带来惊喜。1.Australopithecusafarensis南方古猿阿法种

    Because after 3.4 million years , Lucy and her fellow afarensis keep surprising us .

  17. 当欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐(JoséManuelBarroso)和专门挑选的高级官员伙伴们参加明天在白宫的午宴时,亲切接待他们的将是副总统乔·拜登。

    When European commission president Jos é Manuel Barroso and selected senior chums sit down for luncheon at the White House tomorrow , their genial stand-in host will be vice-president Joe Biden .

  18. 矿商兼贸易商嘉能可(Glencore)在加丹加省有多个大型项目,它的合作伙伴们将自掏腰包提供3.68亿美元贷款,修复因加2号水电站停转的涡轮机,以增加发电量。

    Glencore , the miner-cum-trader that has several big projects in Katanga and its partners are lending $ 368m out of its own pocket to rehabilitate the turbines of Inga 2 as a way to increase electricity production .

  19. 在亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔博士的帮助下,她仔细地调查了这件事,最后终于有了些眉目。1888年,索菲娅·C.霍普金斯夫人有一本肯拜小姐的《布莱迪和他的伙伴们》。那一年,我们和她一起在布鲁斯特度过了夏天。

    With the assistance of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell , she investigated the matter carefully , and at last it came out that Mrs. Sophia C. Hopkins had a copy of Miss Canby 's " Birdie and His Friends " in 1888 , the year that we spent the summer with her at Brewster .

  20. 美国国土安全部代理部长兰德·比尔斯9月12,13日前往罗马会见来自法国、德国、意大利、波兰、西班牙和英国他的6个(G6)国际伙伴们。

    U.S. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Rand Beers traveled to Rome September 12-13 to meet with his Group of Six ( G6 ) international counterparts from France , Germany , Italy , Poland , Spain and the United Kingdom .

  21. 斯科特和他的伙伴们起身踏上归程。

    Scott and his companions set out on the return journey .

  22. 快来看看罗根是如何让伙伴们保持健康与开心的吧。

    Find out how Logan helps keep her friends healthy-and happy !

  23. 噢,伙伴们。我们还不是真正的火枪手呢。

    Aw , fellas , we 're not even real musketeers .

  24. 也跟她的伙伴们也有些矛盾。

    Has also had some trouble meeting up with her group .

  25. 嗯伙伴们他在搞啥名堂

    Uh , guys , what 's he up to now ?

  26. 我鼓励非洲领导人及其伙伴们推进这些目标。

    I encourage Africas leaders and their partners to advance these aims .

  27. 安德里亚说她要去看看她那些在监狱的伙伴们。

    Andrea says shes going to see her prison peeps .

  28. 我们邀请新的伙伴们加入进来,与我们共织美好梦想。

    By inviting new partners to the table , we dream together .

  29. 燕子说,我的伙伴们在等着我呢!

    " I am waited for in Egypt ," answered the Swallow .

  30. 克纳特和它的毛绒伙伴们舒服地休息着。

    Knut takes a well-earned rest with his furry friends .