
yōu shì zhǒnɡ
  • dominant species
  1. 基于SVM方法的赤潮生物优势种航空高光谱识别

    Research on Airborne Hyperspectral Identification of Red Tide Organism Dominant Species Based on SVM

  2. 稻田4种优势种蜘蛛POD同工酶的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on POD Isozymes of Four Dominant Species of Spider in the Rice Field

  3. 江苏沿海棉区蜘蛛优势种在转Bt基因棉的棉田动态分布

    Dynamic Distribution of Spider Predominant Species on Bt Transgenic Cotton in Jiangsu Coastal Cotton Area

  4. 免耕0~10cm土层由23种真菌构成,TrichodermaViride和T.koningii为优势种;

    23 species in No-tillage 0 ~ 10 cm soil and Trichoderma viride and T.

  5. 苹果园害虫-天敌群落优势种组成及变化和果园IPM决策的研究

    Studies on the dominant species composition of insect pest-natural enemy community and its succession in apple orchard and orchard IPM strategies

  6. 各门浮游植物优势种的组成情况是:绿藻以新月藻(Closteriumsp)、衣藻(Chlamydomonassp)占绝对优势;

    The dominant species of the phytoplankton were as the followings : Closterium sp and Chlamydomonas sp took the absolute dominant in Chlorophyta .

  7. 滩地造林使原优势种芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)和荻(Miscanthussacchariftorus)的重要值和生物量都有所下降;

    Afforestation on beach land leaded to IV and biomass of dominant species ( Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariftorus ) decreased in the herb community .

  8. 通过10a的调查研究,明确本市土蝗有20种,其中优势种8种。

    Analyzing 10 years ′ data , the results showed that there were 20 species locust in Laiwu City , and 8 of them were the dominant species .

  9. 2003年采集到浮游植物35种,平均细胞数为20×104/m3,优势种近河口区为骨条藻,远河口区为夜光藻;

    In 2003 , 35 kinds of phytoplankton were collected with an average biomass 20 × 104 / m3 and among those the dominant species were Skeletonema sp. near river mouth area and Noctiluca scientillans far away from river mouth .

  10. 害虫管理中优势种天敌的数量化评价农药对害虫天敌的Hormesis效应研究进展

    The Mathematical Evaluation of Dominant Natural Enemies in IPM with Examples of Peach , Plum and Jujube Orchards ; Advances in the hormesis of pesticides to the natural enemies

  11. 从海拔450m到海拔1200m,各样地的植被种类、数量以及优势种都存在明显差异。

    From an elevation of 450 m to 1 200 m , the types and quantities of plants and the dominant species were obvious differences in different plots .

  12. 应用排序(DCA)和回归分析方法对安西砾石戈壁荒漠植物群落及优势种的分布与环境的关系进行了研究。

    The ordination ( DCA ) and the regression analysis methods were used to study the relations between the Gobi desert plant communities as well as the distribution of the dominants and the environment in Anxi .

  13. 研究以宽叶香蒲(Typhalatifolia)为优势种的人工湿地系统对广东省韶关市凡口铅/锌矿采矿废水净化效能。

    The efficiency of Typha latifolia Linn man made wetland to treat the wastewater from a Pb / Zn mine at Shaoguan , Guangdong Province , was evaluated by monitoring water quality .

  14. CCA排序图中加入了坡度、坡向、海拔三个环境因子,其结果表明,样地、群落、优势种的分布与坡度、坡向的梯度变化相关性较大,而海拔次之。

    The result of DCA ordination showed that different plant communities and their distributing area varied with the environmental change in the ordination graph where the first axis of DCA denoted the changes of slope , aspect and elevation .

  15. 渗滤液藻类生物量、群落多样性和优势种席藻的生物量与月平均温度、月雨量和NH+4-N呈负相关关系,而与COD、NO3&N、TP、Ortho-P呈正相关关系。

    Correlation analysis showed that the biomass and biodiversity of community were negative related to the concentrations of NH_4-N , monthly average temperature , precipitation ; but positive related to COD 、 NO ~ - _3-N and Ortho-P.

  16. 在珠海市10个陆生次生林群落中设置了112个10m×10m样方,用于珠海市次生林群落23个优势种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠的研究。

    A total of one hundred and twelve 10 m × 10 m quadrats were set up in ten terrestrial secondary forest communities of Zhuhai City , Guangdong Province to study the niche breadth and niche overlap of the dominant plant species .

  17. 北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种的水分利用效率(WUE)与其所在地的气候条件有很密切的关系,特别是大气相对湿度、太阳辐射强度、饱和水汽压亏缺(VPD)和温度。

    The long term water use efficiency ( WUE ), of key species in deciduous broad-leaved forest in Beijing Mountain area , is strongly related to relative humidity , solar radiation , vapor pressure deficit and temperature .

  18. 太平洋磷虾(Euphausiapacifica)隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,为北太平洋亚北极区的优势种,广泛分布于远东海域、黄海及台湾海峡附近。

    Euphausia Pacifica which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea , is the subarctic dominant species , distributing broadly in Far East sea area , Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait hereabout .

  19. 主要优势种的DCA排序图与样方的DCA排序图有很大的相似性,优势种的分布格局在很大程度上决定着植物群丛的分布格局。

    The ordination diagram of the dominant species by DCA was similar to the one of the quadrats by DCA to a large extent and the distribution of the dominant species determined the distribution of the associations in a large measure .

  20. sp1,几乎全是该潮间带底栖甲藻的优势种,占水样中甲藻种数的11.6%。个体数占海水样品中甲藻总个体密度的0~51.3%,具有明显的季节性。

    Sp 1 , were presented in the seawater samples , accounting for 11.6 % of total dinoflagellate species number and 0 - 51.3 % of dinoflagellate cell density found in the water column during the sampling period .

  21. 通过测定论述了成都平原区荒芜草坪2个群落及20个(直径30cm)随机分布不同样圈中优势种之间及优势种与伴生种、偶见种之间的数量特征。

    Through the analysis of the quantity characteristic between the advantages species and between the companion living species and the seldom-seen species in the 2 communities and 20 different circles at random in the Chengdu plain deserted lawn .

  22. 摄食和生殖习性。其平均月生物量为222.1kg/km2,占游泳生物月总生物量的27.22%,成为优势种;

    It was found to have a monthly mean biomass of 222 . 21 kg / km2 , representing 27 . 22 % of the monthly total biomass of necton in that area and making it become a dominant species .

  23. 其中,优势种为符号蜉金龟Aphodiuscomma,占总捕获量的80.90%,常见种有7种,稀少种有18种。

    For the community of coprophagous scarabs in horse dung , the dominant species was Aphodius comma . It accounted for 80.90 % of the total individuals . The number of common species and rare species were 7 and 18 .

  24. 通过比较不同干扰样地中各生境因子的差异和变化,进而对不同干扰背景下各优势种幼苗幼树的Pn-PFD曲线、光合作用速率日进程、蒸腾作用速率日进程等生理生态指标进行比较。

    Through comparing the differences and changes of the niche factors in different disturbed plots , then comparing the ecophysiological indexes ( Pn-PFD curve , daily photosynthesis rates , daily transpiration rates etc. )

  25. 免耕垄作比平作土壤动物增加5种,每立方米增加3118个,其优势种的数量增加50%,并集中在0~20cm土层内,占总量的95%。

    Five more species of soil animals were found in ridged non-tillage culture than in level culture and their number increased by 3118 individuals / m ~ 3.The population of the dominant spe - cies increased by 50 % and 95 % of them were found in 0-20 cm horizon .

  26. 群落中优势种对相同土壤资源的利用几乎是完全重叠的,并没有呈现出资源生态位的分化。

    Dominant species almost use the same recourses without niche differentiation .

  27. 6个蝗虫优势种卵巢发育符合5个发育级别的划分标准。

    The development of ovary basically conforms to five growth grades .

  28. 优势种有13种。

    There are 13 dominant species in the total pests .

  29. 次生林全面清坡造林幼林地,其群落优势种为甘肃鼢鼠。

    In clear cutting forest , the dominant species was Gansu zokor .

  30. 不同高程的样地里藤壶的优势种存在差异。

    Different barnacles ' dominant species existed in different kinds of elevations .