
  1. 随着休闲旅游的兴起,休闲农业作为朝阳产业吸引了很多资金,资金的投入带来了长沙休闲农庄的蓬勃发展。

    With the economy of leisure travel on the upgrade , the recreational agriculture takes an emerging sunrise industry , which has attracted numerous funds that bringing up the development of leisure farm in Changsha .

  2. 慈溪市海珠山生态休闲农庄详细规划研究

    Study on Detailed Planning in Haizhu Mountain Recreational Grange of Ecosystem

  3. 休闲农庄发展模式探讨

    Development Model of Recreation Village

  4. 内容包括景观项目点的布局规划、休闲农庄景观功能区的划分及尊重的理论原则和道路通道分析。

    The content includes overall layouts of sight spots and function areas , respectable theory analysis and path analysis .

  5. 但从各地的实践来看,休闲农庄的开发与经营开始遭遇瓶颈,优化升级问题迫在眉睫。

    However , the practice in various places shows leisure farms have encountered with development and management bottleneck , hence , how to achieve optimization and upgrading has become a serious problem .

  6. 现代休闲农业园提升规划探讨&以杨墩休闲农庄为例

    Discussion on the Promotion Planning of Modern Leisure Agriculture Park