
  1. 伊朗总统选举将在6月12日举行。

    Iran 's presidential election is June twelfth .

  2. 在此同时,示威者继续在德黑兰对现任总统艾哈迈迪·内贾德以压倒性选票再次当选连任的结果表示抗议。副总统乔.拜登说,美国对伊朗总统选举的公平和公正持怀疑态度。

    Vice President Joe Biden says the United States has questions and doubts whether Iran 's presidential vote was free and fair .

  3. 呃,伊朗的总统选举结果已经出来了。

    Well , the results from Iran 's presidential elections are in .

  4. 一些美国人对伊朗的总统选举义愤填膺。

    Some people in the U.S. are outraged about Iran 's presidential election dispute .

  5. 美国副总统乔.拜登说,他暂时不对伊朗的总统选举进行评判。

    US Withholds Judgment on Iran Election Results

  6. 伊朗的总统选举预计在2009年6月或稍后举行。

    The Iranian presidential election is expected to be held in June 2009 or shortly thereafter .

  7. 美国副总统乔.拜登表示,美国对伊朗的总统选举是否自由和公正存有疑问和怀疑。

    Vice President Joe Biden says the United States has questions and doubts as to whether Iran 's presidential vote was free and fair .

  8. 该运动起源于2009年伊朗有争议的总统选举。

    The movement Iran 's disputed presidential election in two thousand nine .

  9. 他提到了6月份伊朗有争议的总统选举过后发生的镇压活动。

    He pointed to the repression in Iran after the disputed presidential election in June .

  10. 他并没有提到伊朗有争议的总统选举,伊朗强硬派总统艾哈迈迪内贾德在选举中宣布获胜。

    He made no mention of disputed presidential elections in Iran in which hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner .

  11. 《伊朗的另一半》追访一班伊朗女权份子在伊朗第十届总统选举时问题天天都多,更邀得其中三位当地女性社运人士对影片大谈特谈。

    " We are Half of Iran 's Population " records how a group of women rights activists of Iran posing questions to the10th presidential candidates of Iran .