
  • Iranian;Iranian people
  1. 对伊朗人来说,就像Amini,他们的斗争还要继续。

    For Iranian , like Amini , their fight will continue .

  2. 原来约翰·韦恩不是真的说法尔西语,也不是伊朗人!

    John Wayne didn 't really speak Farsi and he wasn 't Iranian !

  3. 新闻社只能依靠伊朗人使用社交媒介Twitter,Facebook和YouTube发布的信息和图片。

    News agencies have information and images sent by Iranians using social media like Twitter , Facebook and YouTube .

  4. 今年六月,随着伊朗人通过Twitter抗议争议颇多的总统选举,Twitter上的政治分歧现象愈加明朗。

    The political ramifications of the micro-blogging trend became evident in June when Iranians used Twitter to organize and publicize protests of a disputed presidential election .

  5. 你是不是日本人?我是伊朗人。

    ALI : Are you Japanese ? I 'm from Iran .

  6. 在全世界最有创意的导演中不乏伊朗人。

    Iranian directors are among the most creative in the world .

  7. 其实很好玩,我喜欢伊朗人。

    It was kind offun , actually . I liked the iranians .

  8. 伊朗人高调宣扬其高投票率。

    The Iranians trumpet the size of the turnout in their poll .

  9. 我觉得他是怕这可能会冒犯到伊朗人。

    I believe he feared it might offend the iranians .

  10. 对于伊朗人来说,斗争将会继续。

    For Iranians like Amini , their fight will continue .

  11. 直到伊朗人能够履行他们所有的国际义务。

    Until the Iranians have met all their international obligations .

  12. 英语是有用的,因为伊朗人也说英语且很好。

    English is useful because the Iran speaks English well .

  13. 但是伊朗人自己怎么看呢?

    But how many Iranians see their regime that way ?

  14. 人都确定为里根和伊朗人的合作工作。

    Both men have been identified as working for Reagan with the iranians .

  15. 伊朗人对空前的石油配给感到难过。

    Iranians are also distressed by unprecedented oil rationing .

  16. 对于许多伊朗人,特别是女性来说,那是改变他们人生的一场运动。

    It was a life-changing event for many Iranians , especially for women .

  17. 由于可以收看到卫星转播的电视,大多数伊朗人都知晓时事。

    With access to the satellite TV , most Iranians are well informed .

  18. 因为他是伊朗人而你是外国人!

    Because he is Iranian and you are foreigner !

  19. 伊朗人则否认对他们有不人道的待遇。

    The Iranians denied that the British soldiers were subjected to inhuman treatment .

  20. 对大多数伊朗人来说,这是聚在一起庆祝的时刻。

    For most Iranians , it is a time to get together and rejoice .

  21. 伊朗人提高油价的方法

    An Iranian approach to raising oil prices

  22. 在伊朗人内心深处,对美国及其权势爱恨交织。

    Deep in the Iranian psyche is a love-hate relationship with America and its power .

  23. 他说,他们计划招募其他伊朗人到国外接受反伊朗培训。

    He said they planned to recruit others to be trained in anti-Iranian activities abroad .

  24. 我想,这可能是因为伊朗人的做法没有那么多猜测和不知根不知底细的因素。

    I suppose that 's be cause there is not so much guessing and uncertainty .

  25. 该反对组织指责选举过程是流亡者们口中的对伊朗人的侮辱。

    The opposition group condemned an election process the exiles called an insult to Iranians .

  26. 他们中的大多数是南亚人,埃及人,巴勒斯坦人,约旦人和伊朗人。

    Most of them are South Asians , Egyptians , Palestinians , Jordanians , and Iranians .

  27. 对伊朗人来说,30多年后的今天,人们仍在为自由而战。

    For Iranian , more than 30 years later , the battle for freedom still remains .

  28. 许多伊朗人仍然将美国政府视为世界的仗势欺人者。

    And many here in Iran still see the U.S. government as the world 's bully .

  29. 当这样简单的早餐不能满足伊朗人的需要的时候,他们就会吃哈利姆。

    When a light breakfast just isn 't going to hit the spot Iranians eat halim .

  30. 《亚洲名人聊天室》摩根·尼尔:令尊是伊朗人,令堂则是日本人。

    MORGAN NEILL , TALK ASIA : Your father is Iranian , your mother is Japanese .