
  • 网络toyo ito;Ito Toyo
  1. 伊东丰雄仙台媒体中心的设计思维评析

    Analyzing the Sendai Media Center designed by Toyo Ito

  2. 今年,建筑界的最高奖项,普利兹克建筑奖授予了伊东丰雄。

    The biggest prize in architecture , the Pritzker has been given this year to Toyo Ito .

  3. 这就是伊东丰雄对数字社会做出的视觉形式的表达。

    This is Toyo Ito ' sreply to the digital society . This is his expression of vision forms .

  4. 伊东丰雄的设计作品还包括建筑狂热城市西班牙巴塞罗那的两座精致高塔,以及台湾的太阳能供电体育馆。

    Toyo Ito has also designed a pair of stunning towers in the architecture-craze city of Barcelona , Spain and a sports stadium in Taiwan that 's completely solar-powered .

  5. 2001年伊东丰雄设计出了日本仙台市精美先进的图书馆,也是仙台市的媒体中心,自那以后他就成为了普利兹克建筑奖的有力争夺者。

    Toyo Ito has been a contender for the Pritzker Architecture Prize ever since he designed a beautiful cutting-edge library or a mediatheque in the Japanese city of Sendai , in 2001 .

  6. 通过对伊东丰雄仙台媒体中心的设计思维的分析,展示了伊东在建筑与城市和当前时代特征的关系上所做的一些探索,探讨了伊东对于信息社会人类的生活和城市复杂性的思考。

    By analyzing the Sendai Media Center designed by Toyo Ito , this thesis discussed the relationship between architecture , urban , and the feature of information era , and thought about the increasing complexity in current information society .