
  1. GEF中国乡镇企业节能与温室气体减排项目(二期)在墙材革新领域的实施效果

    The implement of energy conservation and less discharge of greenhouse gas for China township enterprises in the domain of wall material reformation

  2. 对企业节能监测自检工作的几点意见

    Some pieces of advice on self-checking of energy-saving monitor in Enterprise

  3. 工业企业节能政策工具选择模型研究

    Study on the Selecting Model of Industry Enterprises Energy-Saving Policy Tools

  4. 基于顶表法的电网企业节能调度效果测算

    Calculations on effect of energy conservation dispatching based on ordered-table methods

  5. 关于油田企业节能减排工作的若干思考

    Thinking on Saving Energy and Reducing Effluent in Oil Field Enterprise

  6. 数字解析我国发电企业节能减排工作

    Analyzing Power Enterprises ' Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction Based on Data

  7. 采油企业节能方式方法探讨与实践

    Discussions and Practice on Saving Energy Methods in Oil Production Enterprises

  8. 电能平衡测试在企业节能工作中的作用

    Action of power energy balance test in energy saving of the enterprise

  9. 开展技术创新推动企业节能

    Developing technical blazing new trails and promoting enterprise energy saving

  10. 哈尔滨重点工业企业节能项目多目标综合评价模型研究

    Multiple Objective Assessment Model of Energy-Saving Projects for Harbin Key Industrial Enterprises

  11. 抓副产煤气综合利用促企业节能环保纤维素酶的应用现状

    Enhance comprehensive utilization of gas and improve energy - saving and environmental protection

  12. 工业企业节能的因素分析法

    Factor Analysis Method for Energy Saving in Industrial Enterprises

  13. 加强能源综合管理提高企业节能效益

    Strengthen the comprehensive energy administration improve the enterprise efficiency on energy - saving

  14. 浅谈建筑陶瓷企业节能措施

    The Measure of Energy Saving in Building Ceramic Industry

  15. 中国能源形势与炼油企业节能问题

    Situation of energy source in China and energy conservation in oil refining enterprises

  16. 企业节能效果的综合评价方法与指标体系

    The comprehensive evaluation methods and indicator system for energy conservation performance in enterprises

  17. 中小工业企业节能促进建议

    Policy Recommendations for Promoting Energy Efficiency of SEMs

  18. 节约用水是企业节能降耗的重要一环。

    Therefore , it is essential to do studies on water minimization in industry .

  19. 矿山企业节能降耗措施

    Measures of energy saving for metallurgical mine enterprise

  20. 积极开展技术咨询,促进企业节能

    Developing actively technology inquiry to promote enterprise energy-saving

  21. 标杆管理在企业节能中的应用

    The application of benchmark in energy-saving at enterprise

  22. 能源企业节能战略思考

    Thinking about Energy-Saving Strategy in Energy Enterprises

  23. 浅析功率因数对工矿企业节能降耗的影响

    Analysis on the energy-saving and consumption-reducing in industrial and mining enterprises influenced by power factor

  24. 道路运输企业节能减排评价指标体系的构建

    Construction of the Evaluation Index System for Energy Saving and Emission of Road Transportation Enterprises

  25. 浅谈新建高压瓦斯脱硫在企业节能减排中的作用

    Important role of new high pressure gas desulfurization unit in energy conservation and emission reduction

  26. 强化电力需求侧管理促进氧化铝企业节能降耗

    Strengthening power management demanding side and promoting energy saving and lower consumption in alumina enterprise

  27. 浅谈煤炭企业节能降耗

    Coal Industry Energy Conservation and Decreasing Comsumption

  28. 关于对中小企业节能降耗工作的思考

    Reflections on Energy Saving Work of SMEs

  29. 供电稳流系统改造,企业节能增效

    Constant-current System Modification for Energy Conservation

  30. 运营创新与西部煤矿企业节能减排的路径研究

    Research on Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction from Coal Mining Enterprises in the West through Operational Innovation