
The Diagnosis and Assessment on Corporate Culture of H Company
This paper demonstrates the characteristics of developments of small enterprise 's culture by diagnosing the small food enterprise YKS which is established only 2 years ago , has less 40 employees and acquired the sale sum of five millions RMB in the last year .
The second block is devoted to the diagnosis and evaluation of the corporate culture .
Thirdly , by diagnosing the enterprise culture of CLIC , the author refines and integrates the core idea of enterprise culture of CLIC .
Hope the exploratory research which on the diagnosis of the corporate culture , reform tools , methods and mode , can be considered as the reference when facing this difficult problem of the cultural revolution of every enterprise in the future .
Diagnosis of the corporate culture
Firstly this part refers to the consisting structure and factors of core competence , and presents the diagnosing and evaluating systems corporate culture on the basis of core competence .
So on the corporate culture of evaluation , we must take a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis , show the state of corporate culture completely . This paper attempts to introduce new investigative tools in the diagnosis and research of the abstract corporate culture .