
  • 网络enterprise;USS Enterprise;VSS Enterprise
  1. 企业号航空母舰阻力预报理论研究

    Theoretical Study of the Resistance Prediction of USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier

  2. 这是VSS企业号第一次由人驾驶滑翔回到地球。

    It was the first time that the VSS Enterprise has had a manned glide back down to earth .

  3. 但在10月31日企业号太空飞船飞机失事导致一名飞行员死亡,另一名飞行员重伤后,保险只是于事无补的宽慰。

    But insurance will be cold comfort following the failure on October 31st of VSS Enterprise , resulting in the death of one pilot and the severe injury to another .

  4. 但就在过去几天,北京方面启动了经济杠杆,其敏捷性令人想起“企业号”(starshipenterprise)飞船的轮机长史考特(scotty)将飞船由巡航速度调整为全速前进。

    But in the past few days with the alacrity with which Scotty used to shift the Starship Enterprise from cruising speed to full thrust ahead Beijing has cranked up the economic levers .

  5. 企业号发现一艘外星飞船,但里面的船员已经全部死亡。

    The crew comes across an abandoned ship of dead aliens .

  6. 企业号又朝着更加顺风的方向行驶了。

    The Enterprise was again steered more off the wind .

  7. 还记得克林安斯打算炸掉企业号。

    You remember when the Klingons were gonna blow up the enterprise .

  8. 结果一会之后你就发现已经出现了一个文字版的企业号宇宙飞船。

    Next thing you know you have built the Starship Enterprise in text .

  9. 而企业号是第一架降落在一艘航空母舰上的航天飞机。

    And Enterprise is the first space shuttle to land on an aircraft carrier .

  10. 史波克不是企业号的驾驶员。

    Mister Spock did not pilot the Enterprise .

  11. 这三十六架“企业号”上的俯冲轰炸机正被孤注一掷。

    The thirty-six enterprise divebombers were being squandered in a jittery shot from the hip .

  12. 另外,企业号控股集团还拥有阿拉莫租车公司以及全美汽车连锁租赁公司。

    In addition , Enterprise Company also owns Alamo and the National Car Rental chain .

  13. 演员打扮成克林贡接管了从原企业号航空母舰系列副本的桥梁。

    Actors dressed as Klingons take over the replica bridge of the U.S.S.Enterprise from the original series .

  14. 也许永远不会有太空旅行,但企业号仍然创造历史。

    It may not ever have made a trip into space , but Enterprise is still making history .

  15. 不像现代航母,“企业号”具备物理空间,存储仓和发电能力,用于搭载新型飞机和新系统。

    Unlike them , it has the space , storage and power-generating capacity to carry new aircraft types and new systems .

  16. 企业号上的机群正飞回航空母舰,隐隐只见北方天际星星点点。

    The Enterprise planes , mere specks in the sky , were heading back to the carrier , barely visible to the north .

  17. 还有我保证只要他看到企业号的检查引擎指示灯闪那么一下,他会下令靠边停。

    And I guarantee you if he ever saw the Enterprises check engine light blinking , he would pull the ship over immediately .

  18. 蒙哥马利“斯科蒂”斯科特是企业号航空母舰舰载的总工程师,并经常被要求执行某些工程奇迹排序。

    Montgomery " Scotty " Scott was the chief engineer onboard the U.S.S.Enterprise and was often called upon to perform some sort of engineering miracle .

  19. 乔治竹井,最佳宇多田光苏禄,该企业号舵手,在已知的发言在圣何塞开幕日活动。

    George Takei , best known as Hikaru Sulu , the helmsman of the U.S.S.Enterprise , spoke at the opening event in San Jose on Tuesday .

  20. 我想要从企业号星舰飞船上乘坐单人穿梭机前往由我统治的星球,著名的谢尔顿阿尔法5号星球。

    What I want is to be departing the Starship Enterprise in a one man shuttlecraft , headed to the planetoid I rule known as Sheldon Alpha Five .

  21. 企业号控股集团表示,公司预计在明年年中前招聘1.1万个新职位,其中8500个职位为管理培训生。

    Enterprise Holdings says it 's looking to fill nearly 11000 new full-time positions by the middle of next year , but 8500 of which will be management trainee posts .

  22. 我正站在“企业号”航母的飞行甲板上,现在位于北阿拉伯海,我们只不过是在有史以来最大的反矿产开采运动开始几天后。美国投入了较多的兵力参与演习。

    I 'm standing on the flight deck of the US enterprise here in the north Arabian sea and we are just days away from one of the largest anti-mining exercises ever conducted .

  23. 它的新家将是“无畏”号航母博物馆,而为了到达那里,企业号不得不搭乘一艘驳船沿哈德逊河航行。

    The vehicle 's new home will be on board the Intrepid Sea , Air and Space Museum in order to get there , Enterprise had to travel on a barge down the Hudson River .

  24. 这家美国集团周四表示,已收购中国电商企业1号店(Yihaodian)49%股份,交易金额不详。

    The US group said on Thursday that it had acquired 49 per cent of Yihaodian , a Chinese ecommerce business , for an undisclosed sum .

  25. “企业”号是第二艘约克城级航母。

    Enterprise CV-6 was the second of the three Yorktown-class carriers .

  26. 2004年部分生产企业3号喷气燃料质量抽查情况

    Spot Quality Inspection of # 3 Jet Fuel from Part of Manufacturers in Year 2004

  27. 2014年,微信增加了企业公众号功能以帮助雇主更好地联系和协作。

    In 2014 , it added an enterprise account inside WeChat to help employers better connect and collaborate .

  28. 使用薄船理论,针对美国“企业”号航母进行航母阻力理论预报方法的初步研究。

    The study of the resistance prediction method is presented with the thin ship theory for USS Enterprise aircraft carrier .

  29. “企业”号在太平洋战争中留下了不可磨灭的印记,并且她留在了为她服役的每一个人的心中。

    Enterprise left an indelible mark on the course of the Pacific War , and on the hearts of the men who served in her .

  30. 从事第三方平台药品网上零售的其他电商企业,比如一号店,也将收到当地食药监局的类似通知。

    Other e-commerce companiesinvolved in selling drugs on third-party platforms , such as , are expected to receive similar orders from local food and drug authorities .