
  • 网络enterprise ethics;Business ethics
  1. 基于企业伦理的产业竞争分析模型

    The Model of Industry Competition Analysis Based on Business Ethics

  2. 当代中国企业伦理的历史演进论纲

    The Outline of The Historical Evolution Contemporary China Business Ethics

  3. 如何应对经济全球化条件下的SA8000运动,搞好企业伦理建设,是我国企业必须面对的重大问题。

    To construct the ethics of enterprises under the background of " SA8000 " of the global economy isan important issue the enterprises of our country have to face .

  4. 中国现代企业伦理制度模型构建的思考

    Thinking on Conception of Ethical System Model in Chinese Modern Enterprises

  5. 浅谈树立义利统一的企业伦理观

    How to Set up the Enterprise Morals of Responsibility and Benefit

  6. 从麦德龙透明发票看企业伦理道德

    Discussion on Ethical Morality of Enterprises from Open Invoice of Metro

  7. 企业伦理关系与道德责任研究

    A Study of Ethics ' Relations in Enterprises and Moral Responsibilities

  8. 基于发展战略的高校后勤实体企业伦理建设

    Ethical Construction of College Logistics Entity Enterprise Based on Developmental Strategy

  9. 炼油企业伦理决策模型初探

    A Tentative Discussion on Ethical Decision-making Model in Oil Refining Enterprises

  10. 论企业伦理道德体系的动态整合

    Discussion on the Dynamic Integration of the Moral System of Enterprise

  11. 企业伦理是企业文化和企业价值观的核心。

    Enterprise ethics is the enterprise culture and the enterprise values core .

  12. 建立企业伦理经营补偿机制;

    Secondly , set up enterprise 's ethics compensation mechanism .

  13. 对我国企业伦理建设的认识

    Thought over the Construction of Business Ethics in Chinese Enterprises

  14. 解释有道德的投资和企业伦理文化的含义。

    Explain the meanings of ethical investing and an ethical corporate culture .

  15. 构建现代市场经济秩序依赖健全的企业伦理行为。必须科学界定我国现阶段企业伦理行为结构以及选择、塑造方式。

    Making up modern enterprise depends on wholesome ethic action of enterprise .

  16. 对市场经济下企业伦理的构建与思考

    The Idea and Reflection about the Ethics of Market Enterprise

  17. 论企业伦理对企业经营的调控作用

    The Regulative Function of Enterprise Ethics to the Enterprise Management

  18. 本文的研究主要采用逻辑推理方法,首先对企业伦理进行一般描述,揭示了企业的伦理本质;

    This study adopts logic method and analyses from general to peculiar .

  19. 现代企业伦理制度建设探析

    Probing into the Construction of Moral Principle in Modern Enterprises

  20. 论企业伦理的民族性与世界性&从日本企业伦理说起

    On Relationship On the Relationship of Nationality and Universality in Corporation Ethics

  21. 企业伦理是企业重要的竞争优势资源。

    The enterprise moral principle is important resourses of the competitive superiority .

  22. 非道德性神话与现代企业伦理重构

    " Myth of Amoral Business " and Reconstruction of Modern Business Ethics

  23. 中韩企业伦理管理存在差异;

    The differences of ethical management between Chinese and Korean enterprises exited .

  24. 潮汕地区家族企业伦理调查报告

    An Investigation Report on Family Enterprise Ethics in Chao-Shan District

  25. 人力资本的效用与企业伦理

    On the Effectiveness of Human Capital and the Enterprise Ethics

  26. 现代企业伦理决策实证研究述评

    The Comments of the Empirical Research on Ethical Decision-making in Modern Enterprises

  27. 企业伦理是建立社会主义道德体系的重要组成部分。

    Business ethics is an important component of the socialist moral system .

  28. 民营企业伦理构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Business Ethics in Private Enterprises

  29. 企业伦理与领导效率研究&从交易型领导到转换型领导

    On Corporate Ethics and Leadership Efficiency : From Transactional Leadership to Transformational Leadership

  30. 企业伦理精神与非公有制企业的发展

    Business Ethic Spirit and the Development of Non-public Enterprise