
  • 网络basis of price formation
  1. 论信息商品价格形成基础及定价原理

    The Basis of Price Formation and the Principle of Price-Fixing for Information Commodities

  2. 社会主义价格形成基础及其机制

    The Basis and Mechanism of Socialist Productive Price Formation

  3. 论公共物品的价格形成基础

    On the Price Formation Basis of the Public Goods

  4. 为服务于政府的宏观调控,本文在研究开放条件下棉花价格形成的基础上,构建了棉花空间均衡模型(CSEM)。

    This paper employs Cotton Spatial Equilibrium Model ( CSEM ) to examine cotton price changes to provide information for government policy making .

  5. 充分竞争是竞争性价格形成的基础。

    Sufficient competition is an formative foundation of competitive prices .

  6. 房地产价格形成的基础具有其他商品所没有的特殊性。

    The price formation foundation of real asset has some special characters different from other products .

  7. 马克思的地租理论是房地产价格形成的基础。

    Furthermore , Marxist Theory of Land Rent lays the foundation for the price in real estate market .

  8. 建立和完善市场体系是资源环境价格形成的基础,只有资源环境的产权得到界定,资源环境产权市场化并通过交易市场进行交换,才能使资源环境产权货币化。

    It is a foundation for the price formation of resources and environment to establish and perfect the market system , only when property rights is defined , property right is commercialized and exchanged by means of market transaction , thus enable property monetization on resources environment .

  9. 在分析了已有几种寡头垄断市场结构中价格形成机制的基础上,本文又构建出3种寡头垄断价格形成机制。

    After analyzing several tariff mechanisms in the oligopoly market , another three possible ones are put forward .

  10. 基础性制度是市场有效价格机制形成的基础,是公平交易的平台,也是保护市场主体财富利益的机制。

    Basic institutions are the bases forming the efficient price system of the market , the platform for fair deal , and also mechanism protecting the interests of the main wealth of the market .

  11. 其次分析了资产价格泡沫形成的微观基础及中国资本市场特征。

    The second , the paper analyzes microcosmic basis of asset prices bubbles and characteristic of the capital market of China .

  12. 最初的理论研究不是如何定价,而是在于揭示价格运动和形成的基础问题。

    The early studies were not how to make a price but to open out the basic question of the foundation and movement .

  13. 第三部分对现行城市房屋征收补偿制度进行了剖析,并在对城市房屋征收补偿价格形成机理分析的基础上,以济南市为例,建立了驱动力模型。

    Based on the analysis on the formation mechanism of urban housing removal compensation price , take Jinan City as an example , the author establish a driving force model .

  14. 能源价格形成机制是指能源价格形成的基础因素的构成功能及运行方式。

    The conception of energy price formation mechanism means the relationship between the fundamental factors and its function .

  15. 论文基于广义价格理论,对循环经济中价格形成的微观基础、市场体系、技术支撑、政府政策进行了分析。

    Based on the generalized price theory , the paper analyzes the micro basis , market system , technical support , government policy of price formation in circular economy .

  16. 能源价格改革包括很多领域,由于能源价格形成机制发挥着基础性的作用,成为改革的中心问题。

    The energy price formation mechanism is the key to the reform for its fundamental role for energy price .

  17. 本文首先回顾了国内外期货价格和现货价格关系的经典理论,在期货价格的构成和期货价格的形成理论的基础上,分析了期货价格和现货价格之间的长期均衡关系和短期动态关系。

    This paper reviews the classical theory of relationship between the futures prices and spot price , and analyzes the long-term relationship and the short-term dynamic relationship between the futures prices and spot prices which based on the composition of futures prices and futures price formation theory .