
  • 网络obduction;overthrust
  1. 板块碰撞前后:俯冲向仰冲之转化

    Before and after the plate collision : the transformation from subduction to obduction

  2. 板块学说发展史上存在着造山作用的仰冲和俯冲两种成因观点。

    There are two original viewpoints , obduction and subduction , in the development history of plate tectonics theory .

  3. 在西部下志留统下部砂岩中发现有来自SSZ(超俯冲带)型蛇绿岩的碎屑尖晶石,表明北祁连洋的洋壳残片已经仰冲至地表遭受剥蚀。

    Detrital spinels are observed in the western Lower Silurian sandstones , and have chemical composition similar to that of those from SSZ ( supra-subduction zone ) type ophiolites , suggesting that the North Qilian oceanic crust has been obducted and eroded .

  4. 在堆积杂岩中上部还产出有仰冲型斜长花岗岩小岩块;

    There exist obduction-type granitoid rocks in the upper level of cumulate ;

  5. 后期又由于仰冲推覆,最终出露地表。

    At last , it obducted and thrusted to outcrop on the surface .

  6. 基底仰冲&俯冲碰撞对盖层构造的影响物理模拟实验

    Physical modeling on the overburden deformation influenced by the obduction-subduction of the basements

  7. 试论板缘仰冲作用及其对板内构造的影响

    On the obduction of marginal plate and its effect on inner - plate structures

  8. 汶川地震的主震发生在具有右旋性质的仰冲型断层带上,震源深度为15公里左右。

    The main shock occurred on the dextral obduction-type fault zone and the hypocenter depth was about15km .

  9. 并提出了在推覆型韧性剪切带强应变带两侧岩石具有不同压力类型,俯冲侧压力值较高,仰冲侧温度值较高,两者彼此平行,构成变质双带。

    Higher temperature at the obduction zone . These two zones are parallel each other and constitute the paired metamorphic belts .

  10. 本文以天府背斜的地质构造特征为基础,提出了高角度仰冲断层的变形几何学问题。

    Based on the geological characteristics of Tianfu anticlinal structure , this article puts forward the problem of deformation geometry of high angle underthrust .

  11. 随着这些火山的生长,它们上升到海面以上会沿着仰冲板块的前缘形成岛链。

    As these volcanoes grow , they rise above the ocean surface to form lines of islands along the leading edge of the overriding plate .

  12. 根据相似性原理,选择橡皮泥和松散的细沙为实验材料分别模拟盆地的基底和盖层,在挤压应力条件下,模拟基底的仰冲-俯冲碰撞对盖层构造的影响。

    According to the analogy theory , rubber and sands were selected as model materials in the experiments on overburden deformation influenced by the basement obduction-subduction .

  13. 晚三迭世开始,印度板块在特提斯洋壳上向北仰冲,并导致特提斯在始新世的关闭。

    Since the beginning of the upper Triassic epoch , the Indian plate upthrusted to the north over the Tethys oceanic crust and led to the closure of the Tethys in Eocene epoch .

  14. 北部古生代褶皱带演化,早期表现出一个向北俯冲的大洋盆地的闭合,随后蛇绿岩向南仰冲和华力西期的陆内逆冲推覆作用;

    The evolution of the former is marked by the closure of a northward subducting oceanic basin in the early stage , followed by southward obduction of ophiolites and intracontinental thrusting during the Varisecan ;

  15. 闽西地区的早中生代逆冲推覆构造由3个基本构造单元组成:西部结晶基底仰冲带、中部活化基底剪切滑脱带和东部盖层褶皱冲断带。

    The early Mesozoic thrust nappe structure in western Fujian is composed of three basic tectonic units : the crystalline basement obduction zone in the central part and the cover fold thrust zone in the east .