
  • 网络EtherNet Protocol;Internet Protocol
  1. 根据智能仪表网络化的要求,提出了基于Java和工业以太网协议实现智能仪表通信的方案。

    In accordance with the requirements of networking intelligent instruments , the strategy of implementing communication between intelligent instruments based on Java and industrial Ethernet protocol is stated .

  2. 调度室利用工业以太网协议控制PLC,实现远程扳道并实时监测道岔状态。然后,研究了机车与调度室无线语音和文字通讯技术。

    The dispatching room controls PLC by industrial ethernet protocol to drive switch machine and inspect the state of switch . Then , the wireless voice and data communication technology between locomotives and dispatching room is presented .

  3. 该设计是实现RS-232串口数据格式和以太网协议格式的数据转换。

    The design realizes conversion of 232 data protocol and Ethernet protocol .

  4. 核心部分主要包括利用嵌入式处理器ARM实现以太网协议到GPRS协议之间的转换、数字图像的处理;

    The core of this system includes the transition of protocol from Ethernet to GPRS , the disposal of data image and the communication via GPRS .

  5. 在本文开发的OPC服务器的基础上,添加其他的工业以太网协议解析模块可以很方便的实现各种工业以太网的系统集成。

    It is convenient to achieve a variety of system integration of Industrial Ethernet , by adding other Industrial Ethernet protocol analysis module to this OPC server .

  6. EPA是我国自主研发的基于以太网协议的工业现场设备的通信标准,目前在工业现场中已经得到了一些应用。

    EPA is a communication standard which is drawn up on our country own , and it is based on Ethernet protocols . EPA has been applied in industry field .

  7. 您还可以发现类似ATAoverEthernet(ATAoE)的协议,其通过无所不在的以太网协议扩展ATA协议。

    You can also find protocols like ATA over Ethernet ( ATAoE ), which extends the ATA protocol over the ubiquitous Ethernet protocol .

  8. 上位机采用防爆工控机,与一台可编程逻辑控制器PLC(ProgrammableLogicController)进行通讯,采用以太网协议,通过硬接线方式来控制变频器,完成通风机系统的控制及在线监测。

    PC using explosion-proof industrial control machine , and communicates with the PLC programmable logic controller ( programmable logic controller ), the Ethernet protocol , through hard wiring way to control the frequency converter , to complete the ventilating machine system control and online monitor .

  9. 由于Modbus和以太网协议均已成为事实上的工业标准,并被大多数厂商所接受,因此Modbus/TCP通信协议可以实现不同厂商设备的互联互通。

    Modbus and Ethernet protocol have been the de facto standards in industry , and accepted by most companies , so the application of Mobus / TCP will make devices from different vendors to work properly together in the same network .

  10. 基于单芯片以太网协议栈的远程环境监测系统

    Remote On-line Environmental Monitoring System using Single Chip Ethernet Protocol Stack

  11. 基于各种工业以太网协议的现场设备也成为了研究的重点。

    Field devices with different industrial Ethernet protocol are also developed quickly .

  12. 测试结果表明,所提出的调度算法完全符合以太网协议规范,精度可达到微秒级。

    Test result showed that the arithmetic satisfied the EPA protocol and the scheduling precision could reach the microsecond level .

  13. 提出了工业以太网协议的性能评价方法,指出实时性是最重要的性能指标。

    The performance evaluation methods of industrial Ethernet protocols are presented , in which real-time property is the most important performance .

  14. 如修改和更新旧的以太网协议,提高以太网硬件设备的标准,改进以太网的通信方式等。

    Such as modify and refresh old Ethernet protocols , change the standards of Ethernet equipments , advance the communication mode of Ethernet .

  15. 随后详细分析了CAN协议和以太网协议原理,并基于本系统应用背景对TCP/IP协议进行了筛选和简化。

    Then the principle of CAN protocol and Ethernet protocol are analyzed , filtrated and predigested based on the application of the system .

  16. 随着以太网协议统治地位的增强,在网络安装与配置方面也发生了一些变化。

    With the enhancement of Ethernet protocol rule degree , some change has taken place at the aspects of network installment and configuration .

  17. 提出了通过嵌入式网关实现不同串行通信协议到以太网协议的转换方案。

    A technique of converting different serial communication protocol to Ethernet protocol is presented in this paper , which is implemented by embedded gateway .

  18. 现场设备级不断增长的通信需求对当前工业以太网协议的实时性能提出了新的挑战。

    The increasing communication needs in the lowest level brings new challenges to the real-time performance of industrial Ethernet Protocol existing in the world .

  19. 介绍了一种基于802.3以太网协议传输话音和数据的局域通信系统的设计。

    A design of local communication system which is used to transfer speech and data based on 802.3 Ethernet protocol is introduced in this paper .

  20. 并通过对CAN&工业以太网协议进行转换研究,大大提高了CAN总线监测系统在煤矿监测领域的适用性。

    And also , using CAN - Industrial Ethernet protocol to research on conversion greatly enhances the applicability of CAN bus monitoring system in the area of mine .

  21. 随着控制系统对网络性能要求的提高,自动化领域各个厂商提出了数十种工业以太网协议,并将其广泛应用于网络控制系统中。

    With the increase requirements of control system to network performance , automation vendors made dozens of different industrial Ethernet protocols , which have been widely used in network control systems .

  22. 按照以太网协议建设的光纤局域网的传输速率正迅速升级到1Gbit/s和10Gbit/s,这对光纤提出了更高的要求。

    The transmission rate of LANs based on Ethernet protocol is quickly upgrading to 1 Gbit / s and 10 Gbit / s. The demand on the fiber specification will become more stringent .

  23. 基于网络环境的分布式并行计算中,通常局域网的底层通信协议多为以太网协议,而以太网采用的是总线通信和信道竞争两种技术,这样就存在通信冲突率提高、通信效率低下的问题。

    In the lower layer of local network , the protocol is Ethernet , which is based on bus topology and channel competition . So the most important problem for distributed parallel computing is too larger for communication spending .

  24. 相比传统工控网络,以太网具有协议统一,易于与Internet连接的优点。

    Compared to traditional industrial control networks , Ethernet uses uniform protocol and easy connects with Internet .

  25. 新型实时工业以太网MAC协议的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation for a New Real-Time Industrial Ethernet MAC Protocol

  26. 以太网MAC协议的设计实现,在以太网的相关应用中有十分重要的作用。

    The design and implementation of Ethernet MAC has an important role in related applications .

  27. EPA实时工业以太网通信协议的研究

    Research on EPA Real-time Industrial Ethernet Communications Protocols

  28. 对以太网MAC协议和PCI总线协议的理解和分析是进行以太网MAC控制器设计的前提,而对以太网MAC控制器体系结构的分析和功能模块的划分则是系统设计的关键。

    In this research , the premise of the system design is understanding of Ethernet MAC protocol and PCI bus specification .

  29. 应用以太网硬件协议栈芯片技术,设计并实现了具有网络数据高速传输功能的DSP嵌入式系统。

    The DSP embedded system offering high speed transmission function for network data is designed and implemented by adopting the technology of Ethernet hardware protocol stack chip .

  30. 采用基于断言的验证技术,设计并实现了对所设计的以太网MAC协议处理器的动态功能验证平台。

    Using assertion-based verification technology , how to design the dynamic functional verification platform of the Ethernet MAC layer protocol processor will be research .