- granary
[granary] 储藏米谷之所
开仓廪、悉府库以赈之。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》
First , there was a perfect granary system to provide grain for the State . The granary in Tang Dynasty was built scientifically , distributed reasonably and managed strictly .
When the granaries are full , people respect rites and obligations .
They could store their food in granaries , and still afford to give birth every two years , if not more often .
In 141 B. C. , the last years of Emperor JingdiJ s reign , the state treasury was consolidated , and granaries were full .
During the Renshou years , the number of families in the country reached seven million , the granaries were full and the society was tranquil and economy prosperous .
Come to her from the farthest border ; Open up her barns , Pile her up like heaps And utterly destroy her , Let nothing be left to her .
At the same time , to buy such concern , the city of supplementary food supply and its areas of concern for a few major cities of grain reserves ; and base .
Come up against her one and all , let her store-houses be broken open : make her into a mass of stones , give her to the curse , till there is nothing of her to be seen .