
  • 网络warehouse management;WMS;Inventory Management;EWM
  1. “这导致许多公司希望购买一个新的仓库管理系统,能够帮助处理这些变化。”Aimi说。

    " That 's lead a lot of companies to buy a new WMS that can handle those changes ," says Aimi .

  2. 基于UML自动化立体仓库管理系统的建模方法

    Modelling method of automatic solid warehouse management system based on UML

  3. 论述了ERP环境下仓库管理信息系统设计的实现方案。

    Describes the scheme of inventory management information system in ERP .

  4. 基于ERP与条码技术的立体仓库管理系统

    Solid warehouse material management system based on ERP and bar coding technology

  5. 一种用于RFID仓库管理的小型化圆极化天线

    A Miniature Circular Polarization Antenna for RFID Warehouse Management

  6. 本系统的主要特点在于通过利用Web的方式实现了仓库管理的扩展,为用户提供了多渠道的接入方式。

    The main features of this system is to be achieved through the use of the Web expanded warehouse management , Provide users with a multi-channel access .

  7. 基于Struts框架的通用仓库管理信息系统设计

    The design and implementation of general warehouse MIS based on struts Framework

  8. ABC分类法在军械维修器材仓库管理中的应用研究

    Applying ABC Classification in Ordnance Maintenance Material Depot

  9. 来料加工企业ERP系统中的仓库管理设计

    The Design of the Storehouse Management in ERP Based on the Corporation Doing the Processing of Customer 's Materials

  10. 本系统基于B/S结构的WEB应用系统,主要完成对生产商务流程里面的仓库管理。

    This system is a WEB application system based on B / S system construction , mainly to complete the management of warehouse in the production of business processes .

  11. CMM在数据仓库管理团队中的应用

    Application of CMM in Data Warehouse Management Teams

  12. 接下来本文详细介绍X公司第三方物流仓库管理系统的特点和开发过程。

    Then , it introduced in details on the features of X company third party logistics W / H management system and its research process .

  13. 用PowerBuilder实现仓库管理系统的开发

    The development of administrative system for warehouse with PowerBuilder

  14. POCKETPC是一种功能强大的掌上电脑,广泛应用与仓库管理、运输、物流、货物追踪等行业中。

    As a powerful pocket computer , Pocket PC is broad used in warehouse management , transportation , logistics and goods tracing etc .

  15. 基于GMM的数据仓库管理与维护

    Management and Maintenance of Data Warehouse Based on GMM

  16. 纺织机械厂仓库管理信息系统的系统分析与设计PLC在白银纺机针布厂设备改造中的应用

    The Design and Analyse of Warehouse Management Information System of Textile Machinery Plant The Application of PLC in the Equipment Transformation in Baiyin Textile Machinery Card Clothing Factory

  17. 使得BPEL相似度检索技术成为BPEL仓库管理领域的研究重点之一。

    BPEL similarity retrieve technology is one of the important technologies in the field of BPEL depository managemant system .

  18. 该相似度检索工具可以应用于BPEL仓库管理系统中,并能有效提高BPEL管理效率。

    The similarity retrieval tool can be applied to the BPEL warehouse management system and effciency improve the BPEL management efficiency .

  19. 本文在介绍UML的主要内容基础上,研究如何使用UML开发MIS系统,并通过一个仓库管理系统的实例,运用RationalROSE对UML的MIS应用作了进一步的说明。

    The paper introduces the main contents of UML and studies the application of UML in MIS development by an instance of depot management information system with Rational Rose .

  20. 本文介绍了无线射频识别技术(RFID)的原理和特点,叙述了采用以RFID技术为基础的仓库管理系统在人造板产品库存管理中的应用。

    The principle and trait of Radio Frequency Identification technology are introduced , and the application based on RFID technology for management of wood based panel warehouse is proposed .

  21. DWE集成了用于仓库管理、数据挖掘、OLAP和内联分析和报告的核心组件。

    DWE integrates core components for warehouse administration , data mining , OLAP and inline analytics and reporting .

  22. 例如,仓库管理系统(WMS),挑选到轻技术和输送系统最常见的提高生产力。

    For example , warehouse management systems ( WMS ), pick-to-light technology and conveyor systems most often enhance productivity .

  23. 探讨了应用于自动化仓库管理系统中的自动导引车系统(AGVS)的设计方案。

    This paper covers design of AGVS ( Automatic Guided Vehicle System ) in automatic warehouse .

  24. 虽然这曾有争议的创造了Fedora仓库管理软件,这个问题现在已经解决。

    Althoughthis has previously been disputed by the creators of the Fedorarepository management software , the issue has now been resolved .

  25. 在ERP系统实现方面,本文重点描述了仓库管理子系统的实现,从数据关系的分析、E-R图的建立,到每一个具体功能的设计均进行了详细的阐述;

    The emphasis is placed on the storehouse management sub-system that includes the arrangement of data relation , the display of E-R diagram and the design of every concrete function .

  26. 针对目前我国仓库管理的现状,介绍了在CIMS环境下利用Visualc++对旧式仓库管理进行改造的方法,重点是对出入库管理的改进。

    According to the current status of warehouse management in China , an old type warehouse was improved by using Visual C + + based on computer integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS ), especially storage and retrieval management .

  27. 又对AS/RSECS和仓库管理系统(IMS)各项功能的完善以及改进,以实现操作便捷,达到节省时间,提高工作效率的目的。

    We will also optimize and improve AS / RS system , ECS system and warehouse system , making them operate facilely to save time and enhance working efficiency .

  28. 随之,完成了主要功能的详细设计,并在文中重点说明了基于J2EE,采用Oracle作为后台数据库的仓库管理功能的详细设计方法和过程。

    Then , to complete the main function of the detailed design , and in this paper illustrated based on J2EE , using Oracle as background database warehouse management function of the detailed design method and process .

  29. 仓库管理系统(WMS)是仓库管理信息化的具体形式,它在我国的应用还处于起步阶段。

    Warehouse Management System ( WMS ) warehouse management is a specific form of information technology , its application in China is still in its early stages .

  30. 笔者在采访了日本电气公司NEC之后,将该公司在顾客辅助管理、人员和物品的定位管理以及仓库管理三种应用案例推荐给读者。

    The author recommends three applied cases : the assistant management of customer , position of personnel & goods and storage management after the interview with Japanese electronic Corporation NEC .