
rén ài
  • benevolence;charity;kindheartedness
仁爱 [rén ài]
  • [charity] 宽人慈爱;爱护、同情的感情

  • 对谁也不要生坏心,对所有的人都要仁爱

仁爱[rén ài]
  1. 破坏或试图毁灭了“仁爱”。

    Destroy or trying to destroy the " kindheartedness " .

  2. 从培养仁爱精神入手,陶冶大学生的道德情感;

    Nurturing moral sensibility via the cultivation of kindheartedness ;

  3. 我们也明白了那句老话的道理:仁爱始于家庭。

    We also realize the truth of that old saying : Charity begins at home

  4. 拥有一个天性仁爱的贤妻,我当然很幸运。

    I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature

  5. 他的仁爱精神,以及他的音乐,都将长留在无数友人和学生的记忆里。他身后遗下妻子和一对儿女。

    It is for his humanity as much as his music that his numerous friends and pupils will remember him . He leaves a wife , son and daughter .

  6. 托尔斯泰所有的作品都充满了伟大的仁爱。

    There is great humanity in all the writings of Tolstoy .

  7. 潘登尼斯少校依靠代理人和邮局,实施着他的仁爱之心

    Major Pendennis transacted his benevolence by deputy and by post .

  8. 大学曾经是正直的象征,文明的堡垒,仁爱的捍卫者阵地

    They once were icons of integrity , citadels of civilization , bastions of benevolence .

  9. 这是仁爱的第二层发挥,合理合宜

    That is the second level of humaneness , and is in accord with principle .

  10. 仁爱之家(HabitatforHumanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。

    Habitat for Humanity helps poor people build their own houses .

  11. 电影工业用“美国仁爱协会”(AHA)的认可“没有动物收到伤害”来欺骗电影迷和电视观众。

    The film industry hoodwinks filmgoers and television viewers with the American Humane Association 's ( AHA ) misleading " No animals were harmed " seal of approval .

  12. 积极心理学家巴巴拉弗雷德里克森研究了仁爱冥想(LKM)的效果,这是一种传统的佛教练习,是对爱的冥想,把同情延伸到自己身上,再逐渐扩展到更多其他人身上。

    Positive psychologist Barbara Frederickson has conducted research on the effects of lovingkindness meditation ( LKM ) , a traditional Buddhist practice that involves meditating on love and extending compassion to oneself and a progressively large group of others .

  13. 1992年12月4日,美国总统乔治H.W.布什命令美国军队实行仁爱使命,威胁采取军事行动反对索马里军阀和团伙阻断对饱受饥饿数百万人提供食物。

    On Dec. 4 , 1992 , President George H.W. Bush ordered American troops to lead a mercy mission to Somalia , threatening military action against warlords and gangs who were blocking food for starving millions .

  14. 传统仁爱精神与社会主义公德建设

    Chinese Traditional Kind Spirit and the Socialist Construction in Social Morality

  15. 孔子仁爱思想的当代重构及价值

    Modern Heavy Construction of the Confucian Benevolence Thought and Its Values

  16. 仁爱始于家庭,但不应止于家庭。

    Charity begins at home , but should not end there .

  17. 温暖的春天总是在严酷的冬天后出现。仁爱

    The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter . L-Love

  18. 首先,说明了中学生群体仁爱缺乏的表现。

    Firstly , the manifestation of the lack of benevolence is enumerated .

  19. 霍宁沃思带着诚心诚意的同情和基督教的仁爱精神照料他。

    He is tended by Hollingsworth with cheerful sympathy and Christian kindness .

  20. 礼貌如仁爱,家中先开始。

    Courtesy , like charity , shall begin at home .

  21. 仁爱就是邻居失礼时能忍让宽宥;

    It is Patience & when your neighbor is curt .

  22. 中国传统文化中的人本主义思想以儒家仁爱学说影响最大。

    Chinese traditional culture humanist and Confucian benevolence have the greatest impaction .

  23. 布赖恩和国际仁爱基金会-抱歉耽搁在我的反应。

    Brian and Bif-sorry for the delay in my response .

  24. 他们是些所谓的基督教徒,对任何人都无仁爱之心。

    They are the so-called Christians who show no love to anybody .

  25. 仁爱就是可能伤人的话绝不出口;

    It is Silence & when your words would hurt .

  26. 唯有仁爱能带给人间和平和福祉。

    Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world .

  27. 因为守时是一种仁爱,他总是守时的。

    As exactness is kindness , he was exact .

  28. 《西游记》中的儒家仁爱精神解析

    An Analysis to the Confucian Benevolence Idea in A Journey to the West

  29. 论社会主义含义的完整性论儒家仁爱精神与大学生思想道德教育

    Integration of the Socialist Concept On Socialist Moral Progress

  30. 我们中许多人为使社会更加仁爱更加文明而工作。

    Many of us are working for a more humane and civilized society .