
  1. 京西煤矿废弃地游憩型复垦的SWOT战略分析及其对策

    A SWOT strategic analysis of coal mine waste land reclamation for recreational purpose on the western suburbs of Beijing and solutions

  2. 根据京西粉煤的特点,先后在实验室内研制出3种新的成型粘结剂,即煤矸石和MJ5组成的复合粘结剂;

    Three kinds of new binders for briquetting of Jingxi fine coal have been developed in laboratory . They are : ( a ) compound binder of coal waste and MJ5 ;

  3. 京西宾馆钢结构加层施工技术措施

    Technical measures for storey-increasing of a steel structure of Jingxi Hotel

  4. 京西百花山地区环境梯度与植物群落

    Environment gradient and plant communities in Baihuashan area , western Beijing

  5. 京西门头沟区典型生态系统服务功能及其价值评估

    Representative Ecosystem Services and Their Valuation of Mentougou District , Beijing

  6. 空气潜孔锤钻进在京西煤田的应用

    Application of Submersible Air Hammer Drilling in Jingxi Cool Field

  7. 京西无烟煤固定床气化特性研究

    Study on the Moving Bed Gasification Character of Jinxi Anthracite

  8. 第四章:京西传统村落空间的交往活动。

    Chapter ⅳ: Communication action of traditional villages in Beijing western areas .

  9. 京西最早的水库&昆明湖

    The Earliest Reservoir in Beijing Western Area & Kunming Lake

  10. 喷射混凝土技术在京西宾馆加固改造工程中的应用

    Concrete spraying technology applied to reinforcement of Jingxi Hotel

  11. 京西煤田马兰薄皮式推覆构造

    The thin skin type nappe structures in malan , western Beijing coal field

  12. 京西早白垩世丸甲(昆虫纲,鞘翅目)化石

    Fossil BYRRHIDAE ( insect , coleoptera ) from the early Cretaceous of western Beijing

  13. 京西地区多种遥感图像地质解译效果评价

    Comparative evaluation of multi-image on geological interpretation in the west mountain area of Beijing

  14. 第五章:京西传统村落人性化交往空间营造。

    Chapter ⅴ: Humane construction of communication space of traditional villages in Beijing western areas .

  15. 京西煤田煤层赋存特征及成因分析

    Analysis of the existing features and causes of the formation of western Beijing 's coal

  16. 在他的知识里,他晓得京西一带,都有养骆驼的。

    As far as he knew , camels were raised in villages west of beiping .

  17. 京西矿区典型地质灾害危险性综合评判研究

    Research on Risk Comprehensive Evaluation of Typical Geological Disasters in Xishan Mining Area of Beijing Region

  18. 京西无烟煤蒸汽催化气化

    Steam gasification of Beijing anthracite

  19. 计算了各期重力观测精度,结果显示1993年3月~1995年5月京西试验场存在一定重力变化。

    It indicates that there were certain gravity changes from Mar.1993 to May.1995 in Jingxi testing field .

  20. 京西晚期中生代地层和古生物的研究焉耆盆地中生代地层归属问题初探

    Late Mesozoic stratigraphy and Palaeontology in Xishan of Beijing a preliminary approach to Mesozoic stratigraphy in Yanqi Basin

  21. 介绍了京西煤田无烟煤分布、储量及煤质特征。

    The distribution , reserves and characteristics of anthracite from Jingxi coal field was presented in this paper .

  22. 京西矿震活动特征及其与天然地震关系初探

    Preliminary approach to the relationship between natural earthquakes and the characteristics of coal mine earthquake activities in the western part of Beijing

  23. 层序地层旋回地层与多重地层划分&以京西冀北下古生界为例

    Sequence stratigraphic , cyclic stratigraphic and multiple stratigraphic division & a case study of the lower Paleozoic in western Beijing and northern Hebei

  24. 介绍了论文的研究背景,阐述了研究京西传统村落交往空间的目的和意义,并对研究范围及相关概念进行了界定。

    Introduces the research background , purpose and significance of the paper , and defines the scope of the study and related concepts .

  25. 本文以分析电子显微术为主要技术手段,对京西煤系高岭土中铁、钛物相的赋存状态进行了深入研究。

    The modes of occurrence of Fe and Ti in kaolin of west Beijing were studied in detail by AEM and Mossbauer spectra .

  26. 研究表明,京西无烟煤是一种低灰、低硫的高煤阶无烟煤,其变质程度是所有无烟煤矿区中最高的。

    The results show that Jingxi anthracite is of low ash and low sulfur and has the deepest degree of metamorphism all over the country .

  27. 结果表明,京西高岭土精矿中含有少量锐钛矿和微量针铁矿及铁钛混合物相;

    The results show that the mineral phases of Fe and Ti in the concentrates are mainly anatase with small amounts of goethite and Fe-Ti phase .

  28. 经过重新划分后,冀北地区的早、中侏罗世地层与京西地区可以完全对比。

    And ( 3 ) after such re - division , the Early - Mid Jurassic in northern Hebei can be completely correlated with that in western Beijing .

  29. 研究结果对于深化煤系高岭土的矿物学研究和京西煤系高岭土的开发利用具有重要理论意义和指导意义。

    This study is of significance both in the theoretical research on the kaolinite mineralogy and in the developmental practice of kaolinites in coal measures of west Beijing .

  30. 这使得由北京京西文化旅游有限公司和国有的中国电影集团公司联合制作的这部影片,成为行业的试金石。

    That has made the film , produced by Beijing Jingxi Culture & Tourism Company and the state-owned China Film Group Corp. , a test for the industry .