
  • 网络Transportation engineering;Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  1. 《交通运输工程学报》2006年(第6卷)总目次

    Total contents of Vol.6 of Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering in 2006

  2. 《交通运输工程与信息学报》总目次

    General Contents Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information

  3. 交通运输工程一级学科设有博士后);IL动站。

    Transport Engineering first-class discipline has a post-doctoral P & D base .

  4. 对我国高校图书馆特色数据库建设的思考&以交通运输工程信息门户网站为例

    Reflection on the Construction of Characteristic Databases of Chinese University Libraries & A Case Study of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Information Gateway

  5. 桥梁结构作为重要的交通运输工程,若在地震的作用下受到破坏,势必为震后抢险救灾及灾后重建工作带来严重的不便,所以一直是学者们致力研究的对象。

    Bridge structure is the important project to transportation . If it is destroyed by the earthquake , it will bring serious inconvenience for dealing with emergencies and providing relief after the earthquake . It has been think the object of scholars to study .

  6. 《智能交通运输系统工程导论》一书的前言

    Preface of the Introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems Engineering

  7. 门式起重机又称龙门起重机,是国内外露天物料搬运广泛采用的大型装卸机械,它广泛用于工矿、交通运输和工程建设等部门。

    Gantry cranes are large handling machinery that widely used in a variety of industries .

  8. 学习、贯彻修改后的产品质量法保证交通运输、工程建设质量

    Study and Implement the Revision Law of Product Quality to Ensure the Qualities of Transportation and Project Construction

  9. 中国系统工程学会交通运输系统工程专业委员会成立20周年回顾

    Review on 20 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of Transportation System Engineering Committee of Systems Engineering Society of China

  10. 学会是由从事交通运输系统工程或相关专业的工程、管理、科技、教学和企业等部门单位,以及具有高级职称的专家组成的群众性学术团体。

    It is a non-governmental academic organization of engineering , management , science and technology , teaching , and enterprises .

  11. 与社会生活紧密相联系的生命线工程(饮用水管线、交通运输网络工程等);

    Lifelines engineering ( potable drinking water lines , communication and transportation networks etc. ) related closely to the social life ;

  12. 创办于1986年的交通运输系统工程专业委员会是中国系统工程学会下设的一个全国性的综合交通学术团体。

    Transportation System Engineering Committee , established in 1986 , is a national academic organization affiliated to Systems Engineering Society of China .

  13. 在中国科协和中国系统工程学会的支持下,创建了《交通运输系统工程与信息》杂志。

    The paper also introduces how the journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology ` ` was built under the support of the China science and technology committee and China systems engineering academy .

  14. 本次论坛共安排了3个专题:交通运输系统工程与理论创新、交通运输系统工程与科技创新、交通运输系统工程与企业创新,与会专家们就这3个专题进行了充分的讨论。

    There are three topics for discussion : traffic and transportation systems and theory innovation , traffic and transportation systems and scientific innovation , traffic and transportation systems and enterprise innovation , which The experts had a heated discussion .

  15. 这些专题的分析对于研究当前交通运输系统工程管理理论与实践问题,推动我国综合交通十一五规划等实际工作有重要作用。

    His analyses to above special subjects have important affects on some actual work , such as studying current transportation system engineering management theories and practice problem , pushing comprehensive transportation ' the Eleven Five Plan ' in our country and so on .

  16. 专用汽车广泛服务于经济社会的各个方面,在提供特殊功能、提高工作效率等方面贡献突出,已经成为我国国民快速发展不可缺少的交通运输和工程作业的主要装备之一。

    Special purpose vehicle takes a range of services in various aspects of economic and social , and it makes important contributions to providing special features and improves efficiency . It has become one of the indispensable major equipment of transportation and engineering work for the national rapid development .

  17. 近日,北京交通大学运输工程系教授张宏科(音译)针对大城市通勤趋势进行研究,研究结果显示在一些地铁系统较发达的中国城市,半数以上的人乘坐地铁通勤,且终于大部分人都住在离单位很远的地方。

    Zhang Hongke is a professor of transportation engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University . His recent study into metropolitan commuting trends shows that , in Chinese cities with a well-developed subway system , more than half of people who commute to work use the subway-and a big part of them live quite far away from their workplace .

  18. 桥梁作为交通运输的生命线工程,重要性不言而喻,在震后的抗震救灾中起到不可替代的作用。

    Bridge as a transportation lifeline , importance is self-evident , play an irre-placeable role during the earthquake relief .

  19. 兼具重防腐、无氢脆、深涂覆性能的涂层在大型工矿企业、现代能源工业、交通运输及海洋工程等各领域均存在强烈的需求。

    There are huge demands of coatings of corrosion resistance , hydrogen embrittlement resistance and deep-coating property in mining , energy , transportation , marine fields .

  20. 盾构技术是随着现代交通运输、地下工程、矿山开采、水利工程以及市政建设等的需要而发展起来的先进隧道施工技术。

    Shield technology is an advanced construction technology , which will becomes more and more important with the development of modern traffic , underground engineering , water conservancy and mine exploitation .

  21. 疲劳是结构失效的最主要的原因,疲劳破坏也是工程中十分普遍的现象。特别是在造船、航空、交通运输、海洋工程、机械制造业中尤为突出。

    Fatigue is the most important reason of structural failure , fatigue failure is also the project of a very common phenomenon , especially in shipbuilding , aviation , transportation , marine engineering , and mechanical manufacturing industry .

  22. 感应电机作为驱动设备,以其结构简单、价格低廉、使用方便而在工业、农业、交通运输、国防工程以及日常生活中取得了广泛应用,是一种用量最大、覆盖面最广的电机。

    Induction motors are widely used in the industry , agriculture , transportation , and national defense projects , as well as everyday life on a wide range of applications because of its simple structure , low price , high reliability and convenient maintenance .

  23. 近年来,电力电子技术发展异常迅速,电力电子装置的市场不断扩大。电力电子技术已广泛应用于电力系统、家用电气、交通运输、通信工程、航空航天、商业和工业等诸多领域。

    Owing to the rapid development of power electronic technology , the market of power electronic equipment has expanded continuously , and it has applied widely to many fields such as power systems , home appliances , transportation , navigation , commerce and industrial .

  24. 25岁的李毅(音译)就读于北京交通大学交通运输工程系,当他看着女友发来的分手短信时,感觉自己心碎一地,这给他本已喜忧参半的毕业季又平添了几许凄凉。

    Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces . The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend , who had just broken up with him . It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful .

  25. 已在建筑、造船及交通运输等领域的工程中应用取得成功。

    It has already been successfully applied to the industries of construction , shipbuilding , and transportation .

  26. 桥梁作为交通运输中不可或缺的工程建筑物,抗震问题尤其重要。

    As the indispensable engineering buildings in the transportation , the seismic issues of the bridge are particularly important .

  27. 液压挖掘机广泛应用于工业与民用建筑、交通运输、水利电力工程等行业,在国民经济建设中占有重要地位。

    Hydraulic excavator takes an important role in the development of the national economy for its extensive use in the fields of industry , civil architecture , transportation , hydraulic and electric power project .

  28. 桥梁是交通运输系统的枢纽工程,是生命线工程的重要组成部分,在现代化社会生活和工作运行中起着越来越重要的作用。

    The bridge is the pivot engineering of communications and transportation system , and is the important component of lifeline engineering . And it is taking more and more important effect in modernized social life and work .

  29. 随着现代交通运输的要求日益提高,在交通运输工程中占有很重要地位的曲线梁桥的兴建数量和设计要求均在不断提高。

    With the requirements of the modern transportation is increasing day by day , the curved girder bridges occupies a very important position in transportation engineering . Numbers and design requirements of the curved girder bridges are constantly improving .

  30. 我国综合交通若干理论与实践问题分析&中国交通运输工程学会常务理事(扩大)会会议纪实

    Analysis on Some Issues of Comprehensive Transport System of China