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wánɡ qī
  • His late wife;deceased/late wife
  1. 那张脸使他在脑海里出现了他亡妻的形象。

    That face called up in his mind the image of his end wife .

  2. Zach是他和他亡妻的唯一牵连。

    Zach is the only connection thatPaul has with his dead wife .

  3. 在新的采访中,61岁的连姆尼森坐下来与CBS谈论5年前在一次滑雪事故中的亡妻娜塔莎理查森。

    In the new interview , 61 years old Liam Neeson sits down with CBS 's 60 minutes opening up about the death of his wife Natasha Richerson 5 years ago in a skiing accident .

  4. 然而上周,在Hudspeth对着亡妻Sheila的相片片刻后,他的视力突然恢复了。Sheila是在2009年11月过世的。

    But last week his vision suddenly returned moments after he held a photograph of his late wife Sheila , who died in November 2009 .

  5. 霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  6. 一开始小宝(杨亮俞饰演)恨透了他的新生活,这里没有Wi-Fi和电视,还要和凶巴巴的爷爷一起生活。爷爷在一块石头上画着思念的亡妻。

    At first , Bao ( played by Yang Liang-yu ) hates his new life without Wi-Fi and television and for having to live with his strict grandfather , who remembers his deceased wife by drawing her face on a rock .

  7. 我也在五年前坐飞机从空中看过一次。霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    I also flew over it myself about five years ago . Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  8. 这位作家把他第一本书题献给他的亡妻。

    The writer dedicated his first novel to his deceased wife .

  9. 他为亡妻写了一首诗,以示纪念。

    He wrote a poem in memory of his dead wife .

  10. 这是首悼念亡妻的诗。

    This is a poem Poe wrote longing for his dead wife .

  11. 他提到亡妻感慨万分。

    He spoke of his dead wife with deep emotion .

  12. 刚才下葬的女人是他的亡妻。

    The burial we passed at the crossroads was for his wife .

  13. 他害怕亡妻的鬼魂会来缠扰他。

    He feared the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him .

  14. 他写了一首诗以慰亡妻。

    He wrote a poem in memory of his wife .

  15. 他写了一篇文章纪念亡妻。

    He wrote an article in memory of his wife .

  16. 你兑现了她亡妻的支票。

    You cashed his dead wife 's disability check .

  17. 他看见了亡妻的幽灵。

    He saw the apparition of his dead wife .

  18. 他说在梦中他看见了他亡妻的幽灵。

    He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife .

  19. 他为他的亡妻带孝。

    He was in mourning for his wife .

  20. 我们所谓的悼亡词的伤悼对象主要是悼念亡妻以及悼妾、悼妓(实际上这是悼妻情感的外拓)。

    So-called Mourn Poetry is to mourn the deceased wife , concubine and prostitute .

  21. 他建了一座小教堂作为悼念亡妻的圣所。

    He built a chapel as a shrine to the memory of his dead wife .

  22. 用你亡妻的保险赔偿金。

    With your dead wife 's policy .

  23. 印度皇帝沙贾汗建造泰姬陵,是为了表达他对亡妻泰姬·玛哈尔的深爱。

    Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as an expression of love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal .

  24. 约翰把他亡妻留下的这只金戒指视为珍宝。

    John regarded the gold ring left by his dead wife as the apple of his eye .

  25. 悲痛欲绝的皇帝于是决定建造一座人间最华丽的陵墓泰姬陵来永远怀念亡妻。

    The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen , the Taj Mahal .

  26. 品读中西文化审视异样之美&中英悼亡诗之美学比较我们所谓的悼亡词的伤悼对象主要是悼念亡妻以及悼妾、悼妓(实际上这是悼妻情感的外拓)。

    A Comparison of the Aesthetics in Elegies of Chinese and English So-called Mourn Poetry is to mourn the deceased wife , concubine and prostitute .

  27. 一位鳏夫拿到了亡妻1966年埋藏的时间胶囊,早年婚姻的甜蜜记忆历历在目。

    A time capsule was returned to a widower that was hidden in 1966 by his late wife , bringing back a series of loving memories of their marriage .

  28. 近日,一位失明的老汉在睡前亲吻亡妻相片后,竟然奇迹般重获光明!而此前他一直被诊断为永久失明。

    A blind pensioner who was told he would never see again has miraculously regained his sight - while kissing a photograph of his late wife as he prepared for bed .

  29. 在他的最后一部电影《给亲爱的你》中,他饰演一个退休刑务官,为实现亡妻遗愿上路旅行。

    In his last film , Dearest ( 2012 ), Mr. Takakura played a retired prison warden who embarks on a road trip to fulfill his dead wife 's last wish .

  30. 泰姬陵是一个莫卧儿皇帝为其亡妻所建的陵墓,这座宏伟的建筑的确名不虚传。

    Translate the following sentence into Chinese , ' Built by a Mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife , the Taj is one edifice that actually lives up to its press .