
  • 网络Yasin;Yaseen;Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
  1. 听到以色列杀害哈马斯创始人和精神领袖亚辛的消息,全世界都为之震惊。

    The whole world were shocked at the news of Israel 's killing Yassin , the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas .

  2. 马来西亚国家皇宫表示,苏丹·阿卜杜拉·苏丹·艾哈迈德·沙阿同意在总理穆希丁·亚辛的要求下宣布紧急状态,直到8月1日。

    The national palace said Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah agreed to declare an emergency until August 1 following a request from Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin .

  3. 第一台ReWalk于今年七月被一名患者买回了家,69500美元的价格可着实不便宜。ReWalk公司CEO拉里o亚辛斯基表示,他认为这种局面短期内可能不会改变。

    The first patient took a ReWalk home in July . It 's not cheap . The price for one is $ 69500 , and ReWalk CEO Larry Jasinski says he doesn 't expect that to change anytime soon .

  4. 看看亚辛的手提电脑。

    Let 's look inside Yasin 's laptop .

  5. 你笔记本上有什么,亚辛?

    What was on your laptop , Yasin ?

  6. 还记得亚辛吗,我那只比特犬

    Remember Yashin , my pit bull ?

  7. 亚辛曾经在这笼子里待过

    Yashin used to live here .

  8. 他圈出了三个今晚开往多伦多的班次。亚辛可能会搭货车去加拿大。

    He 's flagged these three to Toronto tonight.Yasin may be about to hop a freight train for Canada .

  9. 亚辛的女儿们现在在喀布尔上学,不再受到塔利班专制统治的限制。

    Yaseen 's girls now attend school in Kabul , no longer restricted by the Taliban 's authoritarian rule .

  10. 碳棒涂膜式离子选择电极的研究&Ⅰ.亚辛基双(4'-苯并-15-冠-5)-PVC膜钾电极的研制

    Studies on the coated carbon rod ion-selective electrodes ⅰ . octamethylene bis ( 4-benzo-15-crown-5 ) ether PVC membrane potassium electrode

  11. 那对父母给婴儿取名为亚辛,如今,4个月大的他已经是一个健康、茁壮成长的可爱宝宝了。

    The parents named their baby Yasin , and four months after his birth the cute tot is thriving and healthy .

  12. 这将意味着亚辛拥有更好生活的梦想破裂,以及阿富汗人民将面临更多年的战争折磨。

    And that will mean the end of the Yaseens ' dream of a better life , and leave Afghanistan to face more years of war .

  13. 据报道,亚辛在今年6月被以军软禁起来,上周他因肺部和肠胃疾病住院。

    It was reported that Yassin has been placed under house arrest since June by Israeli army . Last week , he contacted lung and digestion illnesses and was admitted hospital .