
yà zú
  • subfamily;subtribe
  1. 细胞色素P-450亚族选择性底物的合成

    Synthesis of selective substrate of cytochrome P-450 subfamily

  2. 受激活调节正常T细胞表达和分泌因子(regulateduponactivationnormalTcellexpressedandsecreted,RANTES),是趋化性细胞因子CC亚族成员,主要由CD8~+T淋巴细胞分泌。

    RANTES ( regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted ; CCL5 ) is a member of the - CC - subfamily of chemokines , mainly generated by CD8 + T cells .

  3. 因52个样品中,也包含钠钙闪石亚族,故对整个闪石族用X射线衍射估算阳离子占位的问题已基本解决。

    As Na-Ca sub-amphiboles appeared among the52 samples , the method of estimating canon occupancied by X-ray diffraction is suitable to all amphiboles .

  4. 体外循环期间白细胞整合素β2亚族CD(11b)/CD(18)表达的临床意义

    Clinical significance of expression of leukocyte surface on antigen β _2 subgroup CD_ ( 11b ) / CD_ ( 18 ) during extracorporal bypass

  5. 系统发生分析表明,脊椎动物HMG1基因的HMG盒区1和盒区2分别形成了2个亚族。

    Phylogenetic analysis suggests that HMG box1 and box2 present in vertebrate HMG1 gene form two separate subgroups .

  6. p38MAPK属于MAPK的一个亚族,是广泛存在于细胞浆内的含有丝氨酸/苏氨酸残基的蛋白质激酶。

    P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase ( p38 MAPK ), belonging to the MAP kinase superfamily , which is a serine / threonine protein kinase widely existed in kytoplasm .

  7. 序列联配和系统发育树结果显示,甜菜NBS-LRR类基因属于无TIR型抗性基因亚族,且克隆获得的其他所有序列均属于该亚族。

    A phylogenetic and sequence alignment analysis revealed that NBS-LRR type resistance genes of sugar beet belong to non-TIR-type NBS-LRR and all other clones are this subfamily .

  8. 用免疫荧光染色和流式细胞分析技术检测γδT细胞的百分率,用RTPCR法和基因扫描法分析T细胞受体Vδ1~Vδ3亚族的相对取用频率及克隆增殖状态。

    The percentage of γδ T cells in the PB and BALF was measured by immunofluorescent staining and flow cytometry . The frequency of usage and the clonality of V δ subfamilies ( V δ 1-V δ 3 ) were assessed by RT-PCR and gene scanning .

  9. 根据所含保守结构域数目,该家族分为AP2和EREBP两个亚族。AP2亚族转录因子与调控植物生长发育有关,EREBP亚族转录因子应答植物非生物逆境胁迫。

    According to the number of AP2 / EREBP domain , they are included AP2 and EREBP sub-family which regulate development of plants and response to abiotic-stresses respectively .

  10. 伯杰研究团队成员、英格兰肯特大学(UniversityofKent)的翠西·凯威尔(TracyKivell)说,让她十分惊讶的是,纳勒迪人“有极度弯曲的手指,比任何早期人亚族物种都要弯,清楚地表明了他们的攀爬能力。”

    Tracy Kivell of the University of Kent , in England , an associate of Dr. Berger 's team , was struck by H. naledi 's " extremely curved fingers , more curved than almost any other species of early hominin , which clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities . "

  11. 在拟南芥中发现了有20个谷氨酸受体基因(AtGLRs)的家族,其编码的氨基酸序列和动物的离子通道型谷氨酸受体(iGluRs)有很高同源性,并可分为3个亚族。

    Currently , 20 Arabidopsis glutamate receptor genes ( AtGLRs ) were discovered and divided into three subfamilies , whose amino acid coding sequences had high similarity with animal inotropic glrtamate ( iGLRs ) receptors .

  12. 亚族的花粉形态研究。

    Pollen morphology of the subtribe Hyoscyaminae ( Solanaceae ) .

  13. 云母族中白云母亚族扩展为铬铝云母亚族

    The Muscovite subgroup in the mica group extended into the Cr-Al mica subgroup

  14. 结肠粘膜中β1亚族结合素定位分布的免疫电镜观察

    The localization and distribution of β _1 subgroup of integrins in human colon by immune electron microscopy

  15. 这一发现表明,现代人出现后,早期人亚族物种可能并没有在中国立即消失。

    The finding suggests that early hominins may not have immediately disappeared in China after the appearance of modern humans .

  16. 对一根古代股骨的分析表明,有一个早期人亚族物种可能在中国西南地区存活到了近至1.4万年前。

    Analysis of an ancient thigh bone suggests that a species of early hominin may have survived as late as 14000 years ago in southwest China .

  17. 这一结果不仅修正了前人演化理论的差误,而且为今后探讨该亚族的地理起源、散布路线提供了资料。

    The result not only revised the evolutionary theory presented by our predecessors , but also provided data for discussing the geographical origin and dispersal routes of this subtribe in future .

  18. 除了引出一个前人类家族的新成员,该发现还表明,一些早期人亚族动物会故意把死者遗体存放在一个偏僻且很难进入的洞穴里,这是一种以前被认为只限于现代人的行为。

    Besides introducing a new member of the prehuman family , the discovery suggests that some early hominins intentionally deposited bodies of their dead in a remote and largely inaccessible cave chamber , a behavior previously considered limited to modern humans .

  19. 按照结构基团理论,将石油馏分的化学组成划分为芳烃、环烷烃、烯烃和非烃元素等结构基因,其中芳烃和环烷烃还按照其环分布划分为若干个亚族基因。

    According to the structural group theory , the chemical composition of petroleum fractions can be classified as structural groups as aromatics , naphthene , olefin and non-hydrocarbon elements etc. Among them , aromatics and naphthene can be further divided into some sub-groups depending on their ring distribution .

  20. 在两篇本周刊登于开放阅读期刊《eLife》的文章里,研究人员说,该发现记录了超过1500件化石,是非洲单个考古地点中发现人亚族样本最多的一处,在全世界范围内也居于前列。

    In two papers published this week in the open-access journal eLife , the researchers said that the more than 1550 fossil elements documenting the discovery constituted the largest sample for any hominin species in a single African site , and one of the largest anywhere in the world .

  21. 亚度量族生成空间中的闭球套定理和Baire定理

    Theorem of Nested Closed-ball Baire 's Theorem for Spanning Spaces of Meta-metric Family

  22. 那民是亚衲族的人,又大又高,是你所知道的。

    The people are strong and tall & Anakites !

  23. 亚度量族生成空间的理论及其应用

    Theory and applications for spanning spaces of meta-metric family

  24. 迦勒就从那里赶出亚衲族的三个族长,就是示筛,亚希幔,挞买。

    From Hebron Caleb drove out the three Anakites Sheshai , Ahiman and Talmai descendants of Anak .

  25. 士1:20以色列人照摩西所说的、希伯仑给了迦勒.勒就从那里赶出亚衲族的三个族长。

    Then they gave Hebron to Caleb , as Moses had promised ; and he drove out from there the three sons of Anak .

  26. 于是王从自己手上摘下戒指,给犹大人的仇敌亚甲族哈米大他的儿子哈曼。

    And the king took his ring from his hand , and gave it unto Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite , the Jews'enemy .

  27. 这些事以后,亚哈随鲁王使亚甲族哈米大他的儿子哈曼尊大,抬举他,叫他位居与他在一起的众首领之上。

    After these things king Ahasuerus promoted Haman the son of Hammedatha the agagite , and he advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him .

  28. 以斯帖又俯伏在王脚前,流泪哀告,求他除掉亚甲族哈曼害犹大人的恶谋。

    And Esther spake yet again before the king , and fell down at his feet , and besought him with tears to put away the mischief of Haman the Agagite , and his device that he had devised against the Jews .

  29. 大卫到了玛哈念,亚扪族的拉巴人拿辖的儿子朔比,罗底巴人亚米利的儿子玛吉,基列的罗基琳人巴西莱

    And it came to pass , when David was come to Mahanaim , that Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon , and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar , and Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim

  30. 这事以后,亚哈随鲁王抬举,亚甲族哈米大他的儿子哈曼,使他高升,叫他的爵位超过与他同事的一切臣宰。

    After these things , by the order of the king , Haman , the son of Hammedatha the Agagite , was lifted up and given a position of honour and a higher place than all the other captains who were with him .