
  • 网络five fingers;5 Fingers
  1. 五根手指放桌上。

    Five fingers , five fingers , on the desk .

  2. 我的右手也有五根手指。

    My right hand has five fingers , too .

  3. 你有的是,一个简易的计算器和五根手指。

    What you have is a simple calculation and five significant figures .

  4. 位于奥地利Krippenstein的创意观景台,造型就像五根手指,故名“五指台”。

    Creative viewing platform in Krippenstein , Austria was cleverly named " 5 Fingers " by virtue of its hand-like shape .

  5. 每只手五根手指,每双脚二十个指甲。

    Five , and twenty on hands and feet .

  6. 你的五根手指,五件事。

    You have five fingers , five things .

  7. 我有一只手有五根手指。

    I have five fingers on one hand .

  8. 五指山是海南海一高山,形状像人的五根手指。

    Wuzhi Mountain is the highest mountain in Hainan , it 's just like five fingers .

  9. 她握紧五根手指,往火葬场方向寻找大津的影子。

    She clutched her fist tightly and searched for the figure of Otsu beside the funeral pyres .

  10. 而在同样的时间里,他却看到了会与自己相伴一生的东西——一只止于腕部的手臂——以及随之而来的各种可能性,即便这些可能性中不包含五根手指。

    And during that time , he had seen what was there to stay for his lifetime - an arm that simply ended at the wrist - and the possibilities that could grow from that , even if those possibilities didn 't have five fingers .

  11. 五个独立的马达分别控制五根手指,可以让使用者抓起圆形的物体。

    Five individual motors power the fingers , allowing the person to grasp round objects .