
  • 网络Wuxing village
  1. 根据以上分析,提出了相应措施完善五星村农村财务管理。

    Based on the above analysis , and puts forward corresponding measures to improve the rural financial management of five-star village .

  2. 发现村财乡管这一财务管理模式在五星村的实施对村里财务起到一定的效果。

    Found " village finance Xiang Guan " to implement the financial management mode in the five-star village on the village finance play a certain effect .

  3. 主营带馅面,公司位于中国四川南充市中国四川省南充市蓬安县诸家乡五星村。

    The main camp belt stuffing surface , the company is located the Chinese Sichuan Nanchong city China Sichuan Nanchong city Peng'an County various hometown five-star village .