
  • 网络Wuhua county
  1. 五华县2001&2007年狂犬病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Rabies in Wuhua County during 2001-2007

  2. 《五梆子》,原为华北地区流行的器乐曲牌,广东省五华县地质灾害区划及其防治

    Zoning and Prevention of the Geological Hazards in Wuhua County , Guangdong Province

  3. 结论五华县AFP病例监测系统敏感,质量符合国家要求,但镇级监测系统敏感性不够。

    Conclusion AFP cases monitoring system in this County is effective and up to the national requirement .

  4. 山区县域农业可持续发展综合评价研究&以五华县为例

    Synthetic Evaluation of Sustainable Agricultural Development in Mountain Counties

  5. 五华县猫犬消化道寄生虫感染情况调查

    Investigation of parasitic infections in alimentary canal of cats and dogs in Wuhua County

  6. 五华县1994~2005年急性弛缓性麻痹病例监测分析

    Results of monitoring of acute flaccid paralysis in Wuhua County from 1994 to 2005

  7. 五华县地方性氟中毒病情现状调查分析

    An analysis for research the present condition of Wu Hua county of endemic fluorosis

  8. 农村能源发展与农业生态环境的改善&广东省五华县农村能源生态综合建设剖析

    The Relationship Between the Development of Rural Energy and the Improvement of Rural Ecological Environment

  9. 五华县河东镇民众对医疗照射认知现状的调查

    Investigation of the current status of crowd cognition to medical irradiation in Wuhua county , hedong town

  10. 水土流失地区生态系统健康评价&以五华县为例

    Ecosystem system health evaluation on soil erosion area in South china & a case study of Wuhua County

  11. 采用直接涂片法和饱和盐水浮聚法两种方法对从五华县转水镇采集的猫狗粪便进行检查。

    The feces of cats and dogs from the county were examined by direct smears and saturation solution of NaCl floatation methods .

  12. 鼻咽癌高发区四会县与低发区五华县腌菜中的挥发性亚硝胺

    Volatile nitrosamines in pickles from nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( npc ) high risk area , Sihui county and low risk area Wuhua County

  13. 地源热泵系统在华东地区的应用研究广东省五华县地质灾害区划及其防治

    The Utilization of Ground-source Heat Pump System in East China Zoning and Prevention of the Geological Hazards in Wuhua County , Guangdong Province

  14. 华南赤红壤坡地退化特征及其整治开发&以五华县国土试验区为例

    Degraded slope on lateritic red earth : its properties , management and development in South china & with an example of Wuhua County

  15. 文章系统地介绍了五华县生态公益林的布局、结构、经营管理模式、补偿金支配等情况;

    The paper systematic introduced the ecological forest situation in Wuhua county , include its distribution , structure , management model , compensation payment .

  16. 梅州市五华县石灰岩矿区土壤铅污染现状研究及改良对策我改变了策略,对他的良心施加压力。

    On the Contamination Status of Pb in the Limestone Mine Soil in Wuhua County and Countermeasures I switched back , and began to press his conscience .

  17. 南方山区花岗岩风化壳崩岗侵蚀及其防治对策&以广东省五华县新一村为例

    Landfall Erosion of Granite Weathering Crust in Mountain Areas in South China and Its Controlling Measures & With Xinyi Village , Wuhua County , Guangdong Province as An Example