
  • 网络interaction theory;interactionism;interaction hypothesis
  1. 基于社会互动理论之上,Seminar教学模式与研究生教育质量之间存在着非常密切的关系。

    Based on the social interaction theory , there is an intimate relation between the Seminar teaching style and postgraduate education .

  2. 第二,引入符号互动理论,加强教育信息传递。

    Second , apply Symbolic Interaction Theory to strengthening education information transfer .

  3. 关于应用写作教学中互动理论的实践探讨

    The Theory and Practice of Interactive Teaching Mode in Applied Writin

  4. 试述中国传统医学中的身心互动理论

    On " Body-mind Inter-promotion " Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 多点竞争与竞争互动理论

    The Theory of Multimarket Competition and Competitive Interaction

  6. 第一,应用社会互动理论,优化两课教学。

    First , apply social interaction theory to optimizing the " two courses " .

  7. 符号互动理论及其对教育的启示

    Revelation of Symbol Interaction Theory on Education

  8. 互动理论首先是由理查兹提出后来由布莱克继续发展。

    The Interaction Theory was first put forward by Richards , then developed by Black .

  9. 以布莱克、理查兹、莱考夫和约翰逊为代表人物的互动理论;

    The interaction theory ( the representative persons are Black ; Richards , Lakoff and Johnson );

  10. 教育理论向认知社会理论、互动理论的推广和应用上发展;

    The theories of P.E have turned to the social cognitive theory and the reciprocal theory ;

  11. 这不仅丰富了工作-家庭互动理论的内涵,而且拓展了创业绩效研究视角。

    It not only enriched work-family interface theory , but also broadened the perspective of entrepreneurial performance .

  12. 符号互动理论的局限性研究

    Mark Interaction Theory Limited Research

  13. 社会互动理论在马克思主义基本原理概论课教学中的应用

    Social interaction theory in the basic tenets of an introduction to the fundamentals of Marxism to teaching

  14. 试论腐败的产生、传播及社会效应&由符号互动理论解读

    Corruption and its formation , dissipation and social effect : a perspective from the theory of symbol swap

  15. 主要结论如下:⑴阐述了辽宁沿海与腹地的经济互动理论及经验借鉴。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ⑴ Expound the economic interactive theory and experience of Liaoning .

  16. 符号互动理论与旅游形象的确立

    The Theory of Symbolic Interaction and the Establishment of Tourists Destination Image & Taking the Taihu Lake as Example

  17. 文章进而提出环境主体互动理论,阐述了主体互动中管制互动和监督互动关系。

    Then the basic theory of environmental interaction among subjects is presented together with regulation relationships and supervision relationships .

  18. 早在二十世纪三十年代,里查兹发表了《修辞哲学》,首先提出了隐喻互动理论,从而开创了人们隐喻的认知研究。

    Richards published his Philosophy of Rhetoric and put forward first the interaction theory of metaphor in the 1930s .

  19. 这些对阅读教学实践具有重要影响的互动理论实际上是出自图式理论。

    While these interactive theories which now dominate reading research and strongly influence teaching practice draw heavily on schema theory .

  20. 过去的研究者注重传统阅读过程、图标理论和互动理论的研究。

    In the past , researchers focused on traditional reading process , schema theory , interactive theory and so on .

  21. 尽管互动理论在一定程度上从认知的角度研究隐喻,但是仍然局限在语言层面。

    Although it touched metaphor study in a somewhat cognitive way , it was limited on the level of language .

  22. 隐喻研究有不同的角度:比较理论;互动理论;映射理论和概念整合理论。

    Metaphor has been studied from different approaches : comparison theory , interaction theory , mapping theory and conceptual blending theory .

  23. 近年来,家庭双向互动理论使越来越多的学者开始积极探讨儿童气质与父母教养因素的相互作用。

    Recently , family bi-directional interaction theory has made more and more researchers examine the interaction between child temperament and parenting .

  24. 第二章作者从教学法、心理学、心理语言学及社会互动理论阐述合作学习的理论依据。

    In Chapter Two , the writer introduced some theoretical studies including pedagogical arguments psycholinguistic rationale psychological theories and social interaction theories .

  25. 本文对增长极理论、港口与腹地互动理论、区域一体化理论和区域分工理论进行了评述。

    This paper makes a comment on the theory of growth-pole 、 theory of region integration and theory of division of labor .

  26. 因此,本文拟在互动理论的框架下,探讨教师课堂提问策略对学生英语口语水平的影响。

    Based on this , the present study attends to research the classroom questioning strategies and its influence on students ' spoken competence .

  27. 符号互动理论认为人是在符号互动的过程中发生人际关系并对社会造成影响的。

    The theory of symbol swap states that people 's personal relations starts in a symbol swap process and thereafter imposes the social influence .

  28. 其次,则透过社会学的互动理论,帮助学生融合人文、科学精神,形塑学生自信信人,群己共荣的处事态度。

    Next , by interactive theories sociology , I want to aid learners that syncretizing humanity with science and making a gregariously self-assured philosophy .

  29. 本研究采用质性的研究方法,运用社会互动理论和理性选择理论作为理论分析工具。

    This research uses the qualitative research in social sciences , takes the theoretical analysis tool using the social interaction theory and the rational choice theory .

  30. 运用符号互动理论解析,旅游就是一个主客双方运用旅游符号进行互动的过程。

    In the explanation of symbolic interaction theory , tourism is just an interaction process of tourism symbols used by both sides of subject and object .