- high in the clouds

[high in the clouds] 云上,云中
Maybe flying high in the clouds .
This tower is so tall that it reaches the clouds , and its top cannot be seen at all .
Apple 's system does not check videos before they are uploaded to the company 's cloud , but the company said it plans to expand its system in unspecified ways in the future .
An advantage of a Platform-as-a-Service for developers and architects is the ability to directly develop applications for the cloud .
As we enter a " Post PC " era , there is a rapid shift toward connecting mobile applications to the cloud .
Most games have a cloud-based solution , like Play Games Services , for save game state so you don 't lose your progress if you get a new phone .
However , the cloud-based program Astral uses isn 't even an actual version of Office , but an open-source clone .
A key challenge in auditing in the cloud is overcoming the lack of visibility into user access of SaaS apps .
We absolutely have this strength in Excel , but Power BI is a SaaS service that allows you to do these rich visualizations and dashboards and collaborate and share .
But unlike many other iPad apps , it lacks built-in access to popular online storage sites like Dropbox and Google Drive .
With cloud-enabling user management , every app performs user management differently and usually does it internal to the application ; user management APIs are neither con sistent nor standardized .
Gene , Dropbox is right here . That 's our ticket to the cloud .
The fact that Chrome OS is largely Web-based perturbs Stallman because a great amount of users'data will be stored on Google 's cloud .
A SOA solution should be able to integrate cloud based services as well as on-site services , and it should easily be possible to provision your own service on a cloud infrastructure .
While Chrome OS and Google Drive need more advanced file management , you can download documents , photos and other files to a folder on the laptop or to the cloud .
The introduction of RS erasure coding module also allows the further improve of the space utilization , and make it more probable to restore a file from the cloud .
The increase in demand for cloud services , location-based services , and social networking is also altering the business model landscape .
On the cloud side , the Amazon SQS service provides a queuing service between applications , even when they are on unconnected networks .
I used Microsoft Word Online to take notes at meetings , PowerPoint Online to edit a slide , and relied on my company 's Web version of Outlook for email and calendar .
Of course . Just Dance , then boogie over to Dropbox , catch the link , and zoom .
Parker is the CEO of ConnectX , a startup company based in Los Angeles that 's working on a way to take corporations " data out of the cloud and into the final frontier .
And yet , they still make the majority of their revenue from sales of on-premise , not cloud-based , software , and have yet to prove they can transform themselves into major cloud computing players .
Amazon EC2 , Amazon S3 , Amazon dynamodb , and Amazon RDS already form the backbone of many mobile applications today .
IDC predicts there will be growth of 13 percent in what the research firm calls 3rd platform technologies ( cloud , mobile , social and big data ) .
James O'Neill , senior analyst at Celent , predicts that within a decade most big banks will have switched from using costly mainframe computers for overnight processing of customer data to using much more flexible cloud-based services .
Then the whole system is deployed to the cloud , local database is relocated to SQL Azure database of the cloud . The port production operation platform is formally extended to the cloud .
Asana 's Justin Rosenstein could have launched Google Drive in 2006 , but didn 't push hard enough for his project .
Since HDFS is not suitable for storing small files , the system uses the combined means of small files in the cloud storage file .
iCloud , which demoted the computer from its central role in managing our content and let all of our devices sync seamlessly .
iWork synchronizes documents as you type them with its cloud-based iCloud service , which can be accessed from any Web browser and can export the files in Office formats .