
  • 网络honda civic
  1. 不久后,我们用不到6000美元买了一部新的本田思域(HondaCivic)。

    Shortly afterward , we bought a new Honda Civic for less than $ 6,000 .

  2. 最近,权威杂志《消费报道》(ConsumerReports)将本田思域(Civic)请出了该杂志的推荐名单。此前,思域一直是这个榜单的常客。

    Recently , the influential magazine Consumer Reports removed Honda 's Civic from its recommended list , where it had long been a mainstay .

  3. 于是,我将所有财产装进了我那辆破旧的本田思域轿车(HondaCivic),然后出发前往旧金山,结果到了那里才发现,我甚至承担不起第一个月的房租。

    So I packed all of my possessions into the back of my old Honda Civic , and set off for to a city where it turned out I couldn 't even afford my first month 's rent .

  4. 整个10月,通用售出了20万台克鲁兹,比本田思域(Civic)、福特Fusion和现代伊兰特(Elantra)这三款长期畅销的小型车都多。

    Through October , GM ( GM , Fortune 500 ) sold over 200,000 units , more than the Honda ( HMC ) civic , Ford Fusion and Hyundai Elantra & three popular small cars with long track records .

  5. 一个巨大冲击与欧洲电子调谐的场景,这可能是大陆里与本田思域EG9。

    A huge hit with the European techno tuning scene , this beemer is probably the continental equivalent of the Honda Civic EG9 .

  6. 2012款本田思域混动版的底价为24050美元,远高于标准汽油版的20505美元。

    Base price for a 2012 hybrid is $ 24,050 .

  7. 用本田思域送货比较困难。

    Tough to make deliveries in a Honda civic .

  8. 本田思域,现代伊兰特的基本型做不到,丰田科罗拉和雪佛兰克鲁兹可以。

    Base versions of the Honda Civic and Hyundai Elantra do not , although the Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cruze do .

  9. 曾经的美国大学生橄榄球红星亚当·吉尔现在是内布拉斯加州奥马哈地区的一家货运公司经理。他抱怨说他不得不卖掉自己的敞篷小卡车,换一辆小型的本田思域。

    Adam Julch , an enormous former college football star who is now a manager at a trucking firm in Omaha , Nebraska , complains that he had to trade in his pickup truck for a little Honda Civic .

  10. 我最近花了一周时间,开着一辆2012款本田(Honda)思域(CivicHybrid)混合动力轿车跑了400多英里,其间竟然一次也没有停下来加油。

    I was thinking about all this while I spent a week putting more than 400 miles on a 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid & and never once stopping for gas .

  11. 这就相当于把一块巨大的市场蛋糕拱手让给了丰田(Toyota)卡罗拉、本田(Honda)思域、福特福克斯和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)克鲁兹等竞争对手。

    That leaves a huge chunk of the market to competitors like the Toyota Corolla , Honda Civic , Ford Focus , and Chevrolet Cruze .