
  1. 北京起重运输机械研究所冯冬梅北京时林公司尹建民摘要:介绍了一个将VISUALBASIC和OPC成功应用于散粮运输系统的实例。

    This paper covers a successful application of Visual Basic and OPC in bulk grain conveying system .

  2. 它是建立在一种类似于散列表的模型上的。

    Instead it is based on a hash table like model .

  3. 应用于散粮连续卸船机上的波状挡边带式输送机与一般用途同类输送机有很大的不同。

    The corrugated side walls belt conveyor used on the corrugated side walls belt continuous ship unloader for grain is quite different from the ones for usual use .

  4. 同理,可应用于解离散域组合参数优化问题。

    Similarly , it can be applied to combined parameter optimal problems in discrete domain .

  5. 理论分析了工作于正色散区的掺Yb3+光纤环形激光器的特性。

    The characteristics of Yb ~ ( 3 + ) - doped mode-locked fiber laser were analyzed theoretically .

  6. 广泛应用于各类散料储存的钢筒仓结构通常由锥形漏斗和置于其上的圆柱形仓筒组成。

    Steel silos for the storage of bulk solids generally consist of a cylindrical vessel above a conical discharge hopper .

  7. 将工业控制技术、现场总线技术、机器人技术应用于大型散料输送装备&斗轮堆取料机的控制系统。

    Apply the industrial control technology , field bus technology and robotics technology to the large scaled balk cargo delivery equip ment ── bucket wheel stacker reclaimer .

  8. 筒仓结构因其具有容量大、占地小、运行费用低等优点,广泛应用于各种散料的贮存,如煤炭、水泥、粮食等。

    As the silos have the advantages of large capacity , small floor coverage , low operation cost , they are widely employed to store some granular solid such as coal , cement and grain .

  9. 在一定范围内,燃料抛散的最终云雾半径与FAE装置中心药量无关,它取决于燃料抛散的加速运动阶段和减速运动阶段。

    In some extension , the end fuel dispersal radius has nothing to do with the canter high explosive charge mass , which is dependent on the acceleration stage and the deceleration stage of the fuel dispersal process .

  10. 本文介绍和分析了一种适用于小流量散流的流量计及其非线性处理方法。

    This paper presents a novel low flow scattering flowmeter and a mathematical method for its nonlinearization correction .

  11. 次生加厚分生组织起源于正常的散生维管束中柱外侧的薄壁组织细胞。

    The secondary thickening meristem originated from the parenchyma cells , which were located the outside of the atactostele .

  12. 采用矩量方程可以很好的解决任何电磁问题,同时,也可以保证适合于充分离散化的收敛性。

    It can be used for any kind of electromagnetic problems and guarantee convergence for a sufficiently dense discretization .

  13. 本文提出一种改进的傅立叶变换方法应用于闭合电子散斑干涉条纹图的相位提取,这种方法采用了坐标转换的方法。

    A modified Fourier - transform technique that is applied to the phase extraction from the closed-fringe pattern is proposed . It adopts the coordinate transform method .

  14. 本文分析的结果将有助于确定数字散斑时间序列相关系统的设计参数,以及系统校准过程中参考平面间距的确定原则,为系统设计提供理论依据和技术方案。

    The conclusion derived in this paper will be helpful in the choice of measuring parameters and the scope between the reference planes during the processing of calibration , also it supplies theoretical base and technological project for the system design .

  15. MT广泛分布于胶质细胞,散在分布于神经元内,在脉络膜、脑室管膜细胞及血管内皮细胞内含量丰富。

    MT was widely distributed in glial cells and loosely in neurons . A large amount of MT was seen in choroid plexus epithelium , ependymal cells and endothelial cells of the blood vessels .

  16. 采用误差参数曲线的方法估计图像散焦半径,并计算点扩散函数,构造出改进的Wiener滤波器,并用DSP硬件系统实现,应用于磁粉探伤系统散焦图像的处理。

    The method based on error-parameter curve is used to estimate out-of-focus radius of image , the point spread function is computed to construct the improved Wiener filer , which is realized by DSP hardware system and applied to process the out-of-focus image in the magnetic particle testing system .

  17. 适用于对颗粒、散状、粉状等不同特性物料的输送和提升。

    Suitable for elevation of materials of different property such as granular , bulk and powdery material , etc.

  18. 结论:1.电针与温针均能有效缓解KOA患者临床症状,改善患者生活质量,电针侧重于止痛作用,而温针侧重于散寒作用。

    Both electro-acupuncture and warm-acupuncture can effectively release patients ' clinical symptoms and improve life equality , electro-acupuncture particular emphasis on stopping pain and warm-acupuncture emphasis on dispersing cold . 2 .