
èr jiān
  • Two rooms;Erjian
二间[èr jiān]
  1. 随著中巴购入富豪这架B6LE,亦令中巴成为本港第二间拥有富豪B6LE的巴士公司。

    The interior was retained with the standard CMB livery applied and CMB become the second operator of Volvo B6LE in Hong Kong .

  2. 第二间实验室并没有处理活病毒的装备。

    The second lab was not equipped to handle live Ebola .

  3. 父亲把它安顿在第二间,也就是最黑最暗的那间卧室,在这里,它默默地统治著这间房子。

    He put the organ in the second , darkest bedroom where it dominates the room .

  4. 那好象是两间屋子,第一间是暗的,第二间是黑的。

    These are the two chambers ; the first is dark , the second is black .

  5. 第一间屋子是空的。我走进第二间。

    I entered the second .

  6. 报道了顺丁烯二酸二间甲苯酯和邻苯二甲酸二间甲苯酯的合成与光谱性质。

    The syntheses and spectral characteristics of bism-methylbenzene maleate and bis-m-methylbenzene phthalate is reported in this paper .

  7. 耶稣致信给七间教会的第二间教会是在现今土耳其的西岸。

    Jesus sends a message to the second of Seven Churches on Western Coast of modern Turkey .

  8. 索契组委会起初否认知晓第二间双马桶厕所的存在,随后拒绝对此事发表评论。

    The Sochi organising committee initially denied knowledge of the second twin toilet , and later refused to comment .

  9. 安德烈离开第二间客厅,溜进候见室里。过了几小时,我打开门,溜下了楼。

    Andrea reached the anteroom beyond the little drawing-room . Hours later I unlocked the door and crept downstairs .

  10. 第二间,小一些,可是多了一些冇用的东西,使似房多一些。

    The second one , smaller ; but with some useless stuff , make it more like a room for human .

  11. 佩妮姨妈在第二间房子里找到了一些发霉的毯子,并且给达力在一张虫蛀过的沙发上铺了一张床。

    Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth-eaten sofa .

  12. 我想把三月十九日改为三月二十日,并且要二间单人房,而不是一间。

    Well , I 'd like to change the date to March 20 , and make that for two singles , not one .

  13. 临街的第一间是他的餐室,第二间是卧室,第三间是经堂。

    The first room , opening on the street , served him as dining-room , the second was his bedroom , and the third his oratory .

  14. N,N′&二(间甲苯基)乙二胺的合成及其酸式解离常数的测定


  15. 盐浓度和pH值梯度以及二者间的交互作用对苜蓿幼苗地上、地下生物量和存活率均有极显著影响。

    Survival rate , belowground biomass and aboveground biomass of the seedlings were affected by salinity , pH and their interactions .

  16. 抽象数据类型(abstractdatatype,以下简称ADT)和PROLOG都可作为数据类型的描述语言,本文旨在揭示二者间的关系。

    Both abstract data type and PROLOG can be used as descriptive languages and the relationship between them .

  17. 术后1天两组间胶原纤维沉积面积和平滑肌肌动蛋白表达面积无明显差别P>0.05,而4周时二组间差别显著P<0.05;

    The expression areas of smooth muscle actin and collagen fiber in CDT group was less than that in ST group ( P < 0.05 ) at 4 weeks .

  18. 二者间存在显著性差异。结论:TMJ音波形具有分形特征。

    Conclusion : Our results indicate that TMJ sounds possess fractal characteristics .

  19. 在III级膀胱移行细胞癌中SURVIVINMRNA的表达强度较I级为高,二者间有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Survivin mRNA had a more intense expression in grade ⅲ than in grade I of BTCC ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 对间苯二酚氨解催化剂进行了研究,筛选了适合间苯二酚催化合成间氨基酚和N,N-二甲基间氨基酚的催化剂。

    The animation of resorcinol were also studied in this work and the conditions of synthesizing m-aminophenol and m - ( N , N-dimethyl aniino ) phenol were studied and optimized .

  21. 方法对45例儿童分别采用传统屏/片及CR进行IVP检查,并对比二者间诊断符合率的差异。

    Methods Intravenous pyelography were carried out by CR and traditional intensifying screen / film in 45 children respectively .

  22. 土壤温度是影响土壤呼吸速率的主要因素,二者间存在极显著的幂函数相关关系(P0.01);

    Soil respiration rate was significantly correlated with soil temperature , and could be described by power function ( P ( 0.01 )) .

  23. 宫腔细菌培养7例呈阳性,有尾丝组5例,无尾丝组2例,二组间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Was found in 7 cases , of which 5 cases were in the tailed group , and 2 cases in the tailless group . There was a significant difference ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  24. 结论MMP-9和TIMP-2的异常表达尤其二者间的失衡及DNA异倍体和高S期分数参与了肿瘤的演进和异质化过程。

    Conclusion The abnormal expressions of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 , DNA heteroploid and higher SPF are involved in the progression and heterogeneity of gastric carcinoma .

  25. 采用N,N-二乙基间氨基苯酚为原料,合成出了一种香豆素类的红色光转换材料:3-二乙氨基-7-(2,4-二羟基酚)-6H,7H-[1]-苯并吡喃-[4,3-b]-[1]-苯并吡喃-6,10-二酮。

    Beginning with N , N-diethyl-3-amino phenol , we synthesized a coumarin red photo-conversion materials : 3-diethylamino-7 - ( 2,4-dihydroxy-phenyl ) - 6H , 7H - [ 1 ] - benzopyran & [ 1 ] - benzopyran-6,10-dione .

  26. 比较二组间EVLW的差异。

    Then the difference of EVLW between two groups was analyzed .

  27. 目的探讨急性有机磷中毒(AOPP)患者血浆P-选择素、简化急性生理学评分系统(SAPSⅡ)变化及二者间关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between P-selectin and SAPS ⅱ in aute organophosphorus insecticides poisoning ( AOPP ) .

  28. 在上述内容基础上,建立了机械结构动态设计系统框架,研究了系统中关键技术和问题,提出了模块CAD模型与有限元模型的数据交换方法,实现了二者间数据顺利交换;

    Dynamic design system of mechanical structure is set up on the basis of GMD , and the approaches of modular model data exchange between CAD and FE model , which is key problem of system , are put forward .

  29. 随着病程的延长,VEP异常率有升高的趋势,但未见二者间有显著相关性。

    Abnormal rate of VEP showed a rising tendency with a prolonged period of course , but no significant positive correlation was found between them .

  30. Ⅲ、Ⅳ级患者尾核、壳核DAT功能虽都明显减低但二者间无显著性差异。

    For patients scaled ⅲ - ⅳ, both putamen and caudate nucleus function decreased obviously , while no difference between the two nucleus .