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  1. 目的研究第一类、第二类契贝谢夫多项式的一些恒等式。

    Aim To study the identities of the first and second Chebyshev multinomial .

  2. 这花娇贵得很,只在晚上开一会儿,第二天就谢了。

    This flower is very fragile , only blooming briefly at night , and then wilts on the very next day .

  3. 利用初等方法给出了一类包含奇下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和与一类包含偶下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和的求和公式。

    In this paper , summation formulas of products involving odd-even index chebyshev polynomials of the second are given by using primary methods .

  4. 利用第二类契贝谢夫多项式的性质得到了关于正余弦函数的一组有趣的恒等式。

    With the use of the properties of the second Chebyshev polynomial , a group of interesting identity of sine and cosine function is obtained .

  5. 我了解到慷慨有两种方式,感恩有时花费的只比一句谢谢多一些。这花娇贵得很,只在晚上开一会儿,第二天就谢了。

    I learned that generosity goes two ways and thankfulness sometimes cost a little more than " thank you " . This flower is very fragile , only blooming briefly at night , and then wilts on the very next day .