
  • 网络Secondary Hospital
  1. 二级医院建设FULLPACS的经验和体会

    Experience on Establishment of FULL PACS in Secondary Hospital Corresponding author

  2. 分层AHP法在确定二级医院绩效评价指标体系权重中的应用

    Application of AHP Method in Secondary Hospital Performance Assessment

  3. 目的尝试运用数据包络分析(DEA分析)对哈尔滨市48所二级医院进行相对效率综合评价。

    Objective To apply the method of DEA to general evaluation of the relative efficiency of the secondary hospitals in Harbin .

  4. NS医院在新医改的形势下,面对新形势对二级医院的要求,以及医院所在地区的发展趋势,生存与发展面临了前所未有的机遇与挑战。

    As a result , NS hospital is facing challenges in survival and development underthe requirements of the new circumstances .

  5. 结论:小C型臂血管造影机能满足一般介入放射的需求,在提高二级医院医疗技术水平及扩大对外影响有重大意义。

    Conclusion : Small C-Arm vessel photograph machine can successfully satisfy the general demands in interventional radiology therapy and it is also of great significance in improving the medical technology and strengthening the influence of the second-level hospital .

  6. 在治疗CP时,50.0%的三级医院医师和73.2%的二级医院医师常规使用抗生素(P<0.05)。

    In the treatment , 50.0 % of urologists in tertiary hospitals and 73.2 % in secondary graded hospitals used antibiotic treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 其中三级医院、二级医院和社区卫生服务中心医务人员的乙型肝炎感染率分别为52.90%、52.47%和48.98%,差别无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Including the medical staffs in the tertiary hospital , second-class hospital and Community Health Service Center , the infection rates of HBV were 52.90 % , 52.47 % and 48.98 % respectively , and there was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 66.7%的三级医院医师和39.0%的二级医院医师认为CP患者大多存在心理障碍(p<0.05),但只有6.0%的医师认为心理障碍是CP的病因。

    66.7 % of urologists in tertiary hospitals and 39.0 % in secondary graded hospitals thought that psychological disorders commonly occurred in patients with CP ( p < 0.05 ), but only 6.0 % of all urologists believed psychological disorder caused CP.

  9. 二级医院院内感染调查分析

    Analyse and Investigation of Infection-in - hospital in the Second-grade Hospital

  10. 二级医院和三级医院医疗纠纷案件特点分析

    Characteristics analysis of medical disputes in secondary hospitals and tertiary hospitals

  11. 在二级医院建立延伸卒中单元模式病房的疗效分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Extended Stroke Unit in Secondary Hospitals

  12. 上海市3家二级医院门诊患者抗高血压药物应用分析

    Analysis of Utilization of Antihypertensives in Outpatient Department of three Hospitals

  13. 浅谈维和二级医院医疗仪器的管理与维修

    Management and maintenance of medical instrument in level-ll hospital in peacekeeping operation

  14. 3所二级医院围手术期抗菌药物应用现状调查

    Survey of Perioperative Prophylactic Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Three Second-Level Hospitals

  15. 二级医院向社区卫生服务转轨的实践

    Practice in reorienting a second-tier hospital towards community health service

  16. 维和二级医院骨科疾病临床特点分析

    Characteristics of Orthopedic Diseases in Level Two Hospital for Peacekeepers

  17. 维和中国二级医院传染科工作程序初探

    Operating Procedures for the Infection Department of the Chinese Peacekeeping Second-Class Hospital

  18. 二级医院综合病区护理风险管理的实践

    Practice of Nursing Risk Administration of the 2nd Level Hospital Comprehensive Division

  19. 但主要增长量将集中在二级医院。

    But the main growth will focus on hospitals .

  20. 维和二级医院护理管理的体会

    Supervisory of nursing in peacekeeping level ⅱ hospital

  21. 医学实习改革的重大举措&浅议将医学实习全面推向二级医院

    Significant measure to medical training reform & put medical training to the secondary hospital

  22. 梅州市二级医院管理年活动周期督导评价

    Periodical supervision assessment of hospital-management year activities in secondary grade hospitals of Meizhou Guangdong

  23. 维和部队二级医院伤员空运后送前的护理

    Nursing of peace keeping force patients in level II hospitals before air medical evacuation

  24. 二级医院护士心理健康状况的调查分析及干预对策

    Analysis and intervention strategy on the mental health of nurses in the Second-class Hospital

  25. 浅析影响维和二级医院医疗装备工作的因素与对策

    Analysis to Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of Medical Equipment in Chinese Peacekeeping Level ⅱ Hospitals

  26. 上海市区一、二级医院门诊医疗服务过程质量调查

    Quality of medical care service process for outpatients in primary and secondary-care hospitals in Shanghai

  27. 维和二级医院护理人员建制、强化训练及物资准备

    Organizational System of Nurses , Consolidating Training and Material Preparation of the Peacekeeping Level-2 Hospital

  28. 太原市某区二级医院改制后患者满意度分析

    Analysis on the Satisfaction of Patients in the Secondary Level Hospitals in one District in Taiyuan

  29. 略论社区卫生服务体系的发展与二级医院改革

    Talk about the development of community health service system and the reform of second class hospital

  30. 驻利比里亚维和二级医院医务人员艾滋病职业预防

    Occupational prevention of AIDS of medical staff of UN peace-keeping army 's grade two hospital in Liberia