
  • 网络quadratic inequality
  1. 下行链路最优化预编码模型是一个带一个二次不等式约束的分式优化问题。

    Downlink optimal pre-coding model is a fractional optimization problem with one quadratic inequality constraint .

  2. 奇异H~∞控制问题的二次矩阵不等式的可解性

    Solvability of quadratic matrix inequalities of singular h ∞ control problems

  3. 一个涉及三角形内部两点的三元二次型不等式

    An Inequality of Quadratic Form of the Three Variables Referring to Two Points of the Interior of a Triangle

  4. 建立了一个新的涉及三角形内部任意两点的三元二次型不等式,讨论了这一结果的应用,提出了三个尚待解决的猜想不等式。

    A new inequality of quadratic form of the three variables referring to two arbitrary points of the interior of a triangle is established , then application of this result is discussed , and finally three conjectures to be solved are put forward .

  5. 一个新的三元二次型几何不等式

    A New Three-variable Quadratic Geometric Inequality

  6. 讨论了三种不同条件下具有VaR约束的均值-方差投资组合模型,并结合序列二次规划方法和不等式组的旋转算法求解。

    Considering not short sale and under constraint of VaR , the paper proposed three different portfolio selection models and uses pivoting algorithms and the sequence of quadratic programming method solving the models .

  7. 高斯向量和柯西向量二次型分布的不等式

    Comparison Theorems for the Distribution of Quadratic Forms of Gaussian Vectors and Cauchy Vectors

  8. 本文在文献[1]的基础上,对H图给出一类代数表示,使对H图的判定化为代数问题:实系数二次方程组与不等式组的求解、或者对矩阵求其同步矩阵问题。

    On the basis of , a series of algebraic expressions for the H graph are given in this paper , which include finding the solution of a set of simultaneous inequalities and real coefficient quadratic equations or finding the synchronous matrix of the matrix .