
  • 网络twenly ranks of nobility
  1. 《二年律令》所见二十等爵对西汉初年国家统治秩序的影响

    On the Influences of Twenty Ranks of Nobility to the Western Han Dynasty Government

  2. 这种联系表现为,二十等爵与授田制结合,二十等爵国家治安制度结合,二十等爵与养老制度结合,二十等爵与国家赏赐制度结合。

    They are the combination between the twenty ranks of nobility with the system of distributing fields , the combination with the public security , the combination with endowment .

  3. 西汉前期在这两方面做得都很好,统治者以二十等爵制为基础将百姓编伍,实行严格的等级身份制,二十等爵制在西汉初很大程度上抑制了豪强势力。

    During the early period of Western Han dynasty , the rulers did a quite good job in the two aspects . Based on the twenty peerage levels , rulers compiled the mass people into different Wu and practiced strict Grade identification system .