
Several Problems in the Research of The Twenty-four Poetic Styles
A Discussion of the Author of Twenty-four Grades of Poetry
A summary of the debate in recent years on the authenticity of twenty-four peoms
Taoist State in Comment on Twenty-Four Poems
The Taoist thought about the harmonization between Tian and human in Twenty-four Grades of Poetry
The general model for virtual reality of revolve cutter with a constant lead and its application
The Twenty-four Modes of Poetry itself contains the reason of zen , has a deep insight into the significance of zen .
We research the views of nature from longitudinal and macro angle , which provides basis and foundation for the further research of natural views in The Twenty-four Poems ' Appreciation .
The views of nature referred to the book , The Twenty-four Poems ' Appreciation , origin from the ancient Taoist thought . The Taoists think Tao and nature are the same and the nature belongs to ontological categories .
It is considered that the poet described in Er-shih-ssu shih-p'in experiences the process of reflection close to abstention from judgment and transcendental reduction of phenomenology , transcends the operation of pure consciousness , then achieves an aesthetic mind , which is planted in the serene personality .