
  1. 此外,合剂组运动后乳酸堆积较少,MDA含量也最低。

    Moreover , less accumulation of lactate and MDA content in mixture group were found .

  2. 结论新生儿窒息时糖酵解增加,大量乳酸堆积,导致高AG状态的代酸是窒息酸碱紊乱的最根本原因。

    Conclusion The primary causes of the acid-base imbalance in neonatal asphyxia are the increased glycolysis , large amount of lactic acid accumulation and high AG acidosis .

  3. 只要正确训练,我们可以延迟乳酸堆积的起始时间,提高我们身体将乳酸用作燃料的能力。

    With the right training , we can delay the onset of lactic acid accumulation , and improve our body 's capacity to use it for fuel .

  4. 乳酸堆积可以提高肌肉组织的酸度,导致跑步者在比赛中经历的那种疲劳和酸痛。

    An accumulation of lactic acid causes increased levels of acidity in the muscle issue , which causes the fatigue and soreness that runners experience in races .

  5. 应激性高血糖通过加重脑组织内乳酸堆积,增加自由基形成和兴奋性氨基酸的产生等多种途径加重缺血性脑损伤。

    Stress hyperglycemia can increase the formation of free radical and the production of excitatory amino acids through various paths exacerbating lactic acid accumulation in brain tissues and aggravating ischemic brain injuries .

  6. 跑得太快,乳酸堆积太快,不到15-20分钟,您已经疲惫不堪,无法达到所需的训练效果。

    Run too fast , and lactic acid will build up too quickly , bringing you to fatigue before you 've hit the15 to20 minutes necessary to gain the desired training effect .

  7. 实验性脾气虚证大鼠骨骼肌的糖代谢障碍主要表现为:糖有氧氧化减弱,糖醉解增强,抢醉解终产物乳酸堆积。

    Glycometabolism of the skeletal muscles in the experimental rat model of spleen-Qi deficiency syndrome is abnormality , aerobic oxidation of glucose decrease and glycolysis reinforce , lactate acid ( LD ) of glycolysis product stack .

  8. 结论红景天黄芪合剂可显著预防模拟高原缺氧的脑损伤作用,该作用与其对抗膜脂质过氧化作用,抑制脑组织和血清中乳酸堆积有一定关系。

    Conclusion Rhodiola-astragalus membranaceus mixture has preventive effects on hypoxic damage induced by simulated plateau environment . This prevention may be related to the antagonistic effect on membrane lipid peroxidation and the inhibition on the accumulation of lactic acid in brain tissue and serum .

  9. 针对CP的耗竭和乳酸的堆积,可通过补充肌酸和碱性盐来延缓400m跑疲劳的产生。

    Furthermore , the fatigue in 400m race can be deferred by supplying creatine and alkaline salt .

  10. 结论:颈部乳酸慢性堆积可以导致小鼠学习记忆功能障碍。

    Conclusion The abilities of learning and memory of the model mice are hurt significantly by accumulation of lactic acid in cervical part .

  11. 因为该动作会使身体极度疲劳,因此要将其安排在训练课的最后。做完该组动作后,身体内的糖元消耗殆尽,肌肉里的乳酸开始堆积。

    Like burn outs , this should be done at the end of a session due to the inevitable exhaustion of glycogen stores and build up of lactic acid .

  12. 结果发现,NE引起兔心肌明显损害(P<0.01),并伴乳酸和丙酮酸堆积,ATP、CP和能荷(ATP/ADP)减少,ADP增加。

    The results showed that myocardial injury was observed in NE group with accumulation of lactic acid and pyruvic acid , decrease of ATP , CP and ATP / ADP , and increase of ADP .

  13. 渐增负荷运动时不同环境条件对血乳酸浓度、血乳酸阈值和血乳酸开始堆积的影响

    Effects of Different Environmental Conditions on Blood Lactate Concentration , Blood Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation during Incremental Exercises