
shū xìn tǐ xiǎo shuō
  • epistolary novel
  1. 在西方文学史上,书信体小说从产生到发展,已经有三百多年的历史。

    In Western literature history , epistolary novel has three hundred years history from appearance to development .

  2. 将一部书信体小说搬上银幕需要很大的勇气,尤其当涉及复杂的心理学,例如本片。

    It takes courage to adapt an epistolary novel for the screen , particularly one as psychologically complex as this one .

  3. 前言介绍书信体小说的概况、产生和发展。

    The preface introduce general situation , emergence and development of letter fiction .

  4. 书信体小说独特的形式和文体特征又决定了其独特的叙事特征,然而对于书信体小说的叙事特征的研究却没有引起广泛的关注。

    The unique form and literary style determine its special narrative traits as well .

  5. 最后的结论叙述了书信体小说的作家、种类和影响。

    The last one relates the writers , kinds and influence of letter fiction .

  6. 在这些作家的努力下,书信体小说被推向了高峰。

    By these authors ' efforts , epistolary novels were pushed to the peak .

  7. 中国现代日记体、书信体小说研究综述

    A Brief Comment on the Studies of Chinese Modern Diary - style and Epistolary Stories

  8. 《波斯人信札》是法国18世纪启蒙运动时期一部反映先进思潮的书信体小说。

    Lettres Persanes is an epistolary novel which reflects the advanced ideas of the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century .

  9. 诠释的不确定性&从《克拉丽莎》看对书信体小说的解读

    On Samuel Richardson 's Epistolary Novels of Sensibility and Psychology On The Uncertainty of Interpretation : A Case Study of Clarissa

  10. 我的这篇论文试图从《帕梅拉》的读者群、它所反映的道德观、阶级观等社会、文化因素及其书信体小说的艺术特征来对它作一个较全面的考察。

    My thesis try to observe Pamela from its readers , its morality idea , and many other social , culture standpoints .

  11. 塞缪尔·理查逊是18世纪英国著名小说家,也是欧洲书信体小说艺术的集大成者。

    Samuel Richardson is a famous English novelist in the 18th century and he is also a master of epistolary novel in Europe .

  12. 本文旨在从叙事学的角度对书信体小说与非书信体小说中的第一人称叙事进行比较与对照,以达到对这两种叙事形式在叙事结构上的深入认识。本文分三章。

    This thesis , in view of narrative structures , compares and contrasts the epistolary novel and the first-person non - epistolary novel .

  13. 书信体小说《新爱洛伊丝》作为卢梭的代表作之一,在文学史上有着深远的影响。

    The Epistolary Novel The New Heloise , one of Rousseaus most famous literary works , has far-reaching implications in the history of literature .

  14. 但其书信体小说的叙事控制以及多重视角的互现证实透明的、完全坦露的人只是浪漫主义的虚构。

    While the narrative control and inter-reveal among multiple perspectives in his epistolary novel proves that transparent subject without any shelter is factually fictional .

  15. 18世纪兴起并广泛流行于欧洲各国的书信体小说在建构近代西方主体性方面发挥了重要的历史性作用。

    Epistolary novel as a new genre that rose and prevailed in European countries in the 18th century played an important historical role in the making of modern subjectivity .

  16. 学术界对中国现代日记体、书信体小说的研究匮乏,这种研究现状与现代日记体、书信体小说曾经蔚然成风并且留下诸多经典文本的文学史史实不相符合。

    Considering the great multitude of classical texts of diary - style and epistolary stories in Chinese literary history , researches on them are not as fruitful as they should .

  17. 沃克1982年发表的书信体小说《紫颜色》明确地表达了妇女寻求解放的思想。

    Alice Walker published the novel Color Purple in the epistolary style in1982 , in which she expresses her strong idea of female 's seeking for their independence and liberty .

  18. 书信体小说《紫色》是美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克的代表作,并使作者荣获了美国文学创作的最高奖项-普利策奖。

    Alice Walker , an American black writer , was awarded the Pulitzer Prize owing to her epistolary novel The Color Purple , which has become the feminism canon of contemporary Western literature .

  19. 沃克因其长篇书信体小说《紫色》(1982)获得了普利策奖而闻名遐迩。她笔力遒劲,富于表现力地描写黑人妇女为争取性平等和精神再生而进行的斗争。

    Best known as the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning epistolary novel The Color Purple ( 1982 ), Walker writes powerful , expressive fiction depicting the black woman 's struggle for sexual equality and spiritual resurrection .

  20. 本文还试图通过对书信体小说文本自身的叙事美学效果,来观照它曾经的存在,以便对其文学特点有所认知。

    In this article , it still state the contemplation about the existence of the epistolary novels by the narrative aesthetics effects of this kind of novels text in order to have cognizance of its literature characteristics .

  21. 第一种是传统译法,既强调忠实于原文,又要求符合英语行文规则。非书信体小说不受行文格式限制,各叙事层之间关系全面。大致有以下三种:解释关系;

    The first kind is the traditional way , in which faithfulness to the original meaning is stressed and English idiomatic way of writing is required . third , both embedded and juxtaposed relation of narrative layers .

  22. 本文也试图把五四书信体小说兴盛的原因与五四峥嵘岁月的精神相连接,把对二者的默契关系进行了必要的梳理和分析。

    And also in this article , the author attempts to connect the reason for making the epistolary novels prosperous with the spirit of May Fourth in those eventful years , meanwhile , the author adjusts and analyzes the tacit relations between the reason and the spirit mentioned above essentially .

  23. 他的仆人给他递上一本裁开一半的书&苏扎夫人的书信体长篇小说。

    His servant handed him a half-cut volume of a novel in the form of letters by Madame Suza .

  24. 《帕梅拉》是理查逊创作的第一部书信体长篇小说,小说讲述的是年轻女仆帕梅拉拼死捍卫自己贞节的故事。

    Pamela , written by Richardson in epistolary style , tells a story of a maid who tries every means to defend her chastity .