
  • 网络President of Yemen
  1. 也门总统萨利赫向在首都萨那欢欣鼓舞的支持者发表讲话,表示他对海湾合作委员会的权利移交协议表示欢迎。

    The President of Yemen , Ali Abdullah Saleh , has addressed a cheering crowd of supporters in the capital Sanaa , telling him he welcomes power transfer proposals by the Gulf Cooperation Council .

  2. 也门总统曼苏尔哈迪(mansourhadi)已经向美方致歉,并表示将对这一事件进行调查。

    Mansour Hadi , the Yemeni president , apologised to the US and said the incident would be investigated .

  3. 也门总统说,他将在未来几天内离职。

    Yemeni president to step down in days .

  4. 也门总统萨利赫拒绝在协议上签字后,海湾阿拉伯国家已经停止了协商也门权力过渡的努力。

    Gulf Arab states have suspended their efforts to negotiate a power transfer deal in Yemen after President Ali Abdullah Saleh refused to sign it .

  5. 也门总统萨利赫星期六告诉也门政府的一个电视节目说,也门的武装部队现在是训练有素,并且在近几十年来进步很快。

    President Ali Abdullah Saleh told a Yemeni government TV program Saturday that the country 's armed forces are now well-trained and have taken great strides in recent decades .

  6. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿重申,美国认为也门总统应立即将权力移交。

    The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has repeated that the United States believes there should be an immediate transition of power in Yemen away from President Ali Abdullah Saleh .

  7. 有官员称,美国将与欧洲以及海湾盟国保持密切联系,继续利用各种可能性对也门总统阿里阿卜杜拉萨利赫施压,让后者签署协议下台。

    The US remains in close contact with European and Gulf allies and continues to review options to increase pressure on Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to sign an agreement to step down , officials said .

  8. 还有报道称,沙特战机轰炸了胡塞武装盟友、也门前总统阿卜杜拉萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)位于萨那的住宅。萨利赫后来在被这栋被毁坏的建筑前,向新闻媒体发表了讲话。

    Reports also emerged that Saudi warplanes had bombed the Sana ' a home of the Houthis ' ally , former president Ali Abdullah Saleh , who later spoke to news channels outside the damaged building .

  9. 这个计划宣布的前几天,经过民众数月抗议要求下台,也门老资格总统AliAbdullahSaleh最终签署辞职协议。

    The announcement comes just days after Yemen 's veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh finally signed a deal to stand down after many months of mass protests demanding he leave .

  10. 当(也门)阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫总统意识到的时候,他已经不能再信赖军队了,而这也就成了他下台的开始。

    When President Ali Abdullah Saleh realised that he could no longer rely on the army , it spelled the beginning of the end .

  11. 也门首都萨那总统府遭遇炮击,总统萨利赫受伤。在此六个多小时之后,也门国家电视台广播了总统发表的简短讲话。

    State television in Yemen has broadcast a brief message from President Ali Abdullah Saleh more than six hours after he was injured in a rocket attack on his compound in the capital Sanaa .

  12. 周六,也门反对派领导人敦促总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫向副总统交权并下台。

    On Saturday , Yemen 's opposition leaders urged President Ali Abdullah Saleh to hand over power to his vice president and step aside .

  13. 在也门,继萨利赫总统在总统府遭到袭击、转而到沙特阿拉伯接受治疗之后,年青一代的活动人士表示要支持接替萨利赫出任临时总统的哈迪。

    Yemen 's youth activists are promising to back the country 's acting leader , who took over from wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh while he is in Saudi Arabia for medical treatment .

  14. 美国强力谴责也门的暴力冲突升级。星期五也门首都萨那的总统官邸遭到炮击,总统萨利赫受伤。

    The United States is strongly condemning the upsurge in violence in Yemen including Friday 's shelling attack on the presidential compound in Sana'a that wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh .

  15. 也门官员说,海湾阿拉伯国家组织的官员向也门总统萨利赫递交了一份经过修改的计划,旨在加速他的离去,为新选举作准备。

    Yemeni officials say the organization of Gulf Arab states has given Yemen 's President Ali Abdullah Saleh a revised proposal to hasten his exit from office and provide for new elections .