
  • 网络the Jiulong River;Cuu Long
  1. 基于GIS的九龙江流域农业非点源氮磷负荷估算研究

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading of Agricultural Non-point Sources in Jiulong River Watershed Based on GIS

  2. 福建九龙江口水体的pH、碱度与盐度、相对电导率的关系及pH计算值

    The relationships among ph , alkalinity , salinity and relative conductivity and the calculated pH in the Jiulong River estuarine water

  3. 这一结论和我们用~(226)Ra示踪法研究九龙江入海泥沙运动所得到的结果一致。

    This results agree with that obtained by other method ( i.e. method of ~ ( 226 ) Ra tracer ) .

  4. 研究了九龙江河口及相邻海区颗粒有机碳(POC)的分布变化特征及POC与浮游植物生物量的关系。

    The characteristics of the distribution of particulate organic carbon ( POC ) and its relationship with phytoplankton biomass are studied .

  5. 预期项目将获得3S集成、6项专题报告和8大示范工程等成果,以认识九龙江、建设九龙江和展示九龙江。

    Expected fruits compromise of 3S integration , 6 special reports and 8 demonstrative projects aiming at understanding Jiulong River , building Jiulong River and exhibiting Jiulong River .

  6. 对九龙江流域分幅数字高程模型(DEM)进行图幅拼接、网格重分及切割等处理分析,生成九龙江流域数字高程模型。

    The digital elevation model of the Jiulong River Basin is generated through map mosaic , grid re-division , and separation of all the DEM maps of the Jiulong River Basin .

  7. 九龙江流域大气氮沉降通量为14.9kgN/(hm2·y),其中干沉降占34%,湿沉降占66%;

    The annual deposition atmospheric N flux amounted to 14.9 kg N / hm2 , of which dry deposition and wet deposition accounts for 34 % and 66 % , respectively .

  8. 本文分析了1979年2&4月间采集于九龙江河口海区106份生物样品的Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd含量。

    Hg , Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd concentrations for 106 samples of benthic and pelagic organisms collected from the estuary of the Jiulong River , Fujian Province during the period from Feb. to Apr. 1979 were determined .

  9. 我们通过研究首次获得了九龙江河口水体和沉积物中ARGs的分布数据,并结合厦门污水处理设施样品探讨了九龙江河口ARGs的可能污染源。

    By this study , we get the distribution of ARGs in the water and sediment of Jiulong river estuary , and combined with wastewater plant treatment in Xiamen discussed the pollution sources of the Jiulong river estuary .

  10. 福建九龙江流域给水厂污泥脱水性能的试验研究

    Experimental research on sludge dewatering property at waterworks in Xiamen City

  11. 九龙江流域河口近海系统有机氯农药的来源、时空分布与入海通量

    Sources , Distributions and Fluxes of Organochlorine Pesticides in Jiulong River-Estuary-Sea System

  12. 九龙江流域大气氮干沉降

    Dry deposition of atmospheric nitrogen to Jiulong River watershed in southeast China

  13. 九龙江污染物入海通量初步估算

    Preliminary estimate for the contaminations fluxes from Jiulong River to the sea

  14. 九龙江河口区有机物的转移和入海通量

    Transfer and input flux of organic matter in Jiulong Estuary

  15. 九龙江河口表层沉积物元素特征及地球化学意义

    Elemental Characteristics and Geochemical Significance of Surface Sediment in Jiulong River Estuary

  16. 闽南九龙江河口高等植物的分布

    On the Distribution of Higher Plants Along Jiulong River Estuary

  17. 九龙江流域环境现状及保护对策

    The Current Situation and Protection Countermeasures of Environment of the Jiulong River Basin

  18. 九龙江上游五川流域农业非点源污染研究

    Study on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution of Wuchuan Catchment in Upstream Jiulong River

  19. 九龙江河口区氟、铝的分布和行为

    Distribution and behaviour of dissolved aluminium and fluoride in the Jiulong River Estuary

  20. 九龙江典型流域氮磷流失的模拟研究

    Modeling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Catchments

  21. 九龙江流域畜牧养殖系统的氮磷流失研究

    Nutrient Losses of Livestock Farms in Jiulong River Watershed

  22. 九龙江三角洲平原;

    Delta Plain and Estuary of the Jiulongjiang River .

  23. 九龙江流域氮的源汇过程及其机制

    Nitrogen Sources and Exports in Jiulong River Watershed

  24. 在此基础上提出了九龙江河口生态系统恢复的对策和建议。

    According to this , countermeasures of Jiulong River Estuary Ecosystem restoration were proposed .

  25. 九龙江河口区的比电导、盐度、氯度和活性硅酸盐

    Relative conductivity , salinity , chlorinity and active silicate in the Jiulong River Estuary

  26. 九龙江流域养猪场氮磷流失特征研究

    Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from swine production systems in Jiulong River watershed

  27. 九龙江河口湾表层沉积物中重金属分布及其潜在生态风险

    Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Jiulong River Estuary

  28. 九龙江河口区水体中(224)~Ra的分布及其应用

    Distribution of ( 224 ) ~ Ra in the Jiulong Estuarine waters and its application

  29. 浅议九龙江流域水土保持生态自我修复辽东山区森林生态自我修复效果的研究

    Study on the Effects of Ecological Self-rehabilitation of Forests in the Eastern Liaoning Mountainous Region

  30. 九龙江河口生物地球化学元素通量的初步模拟

    Preliminary biogeochemical budget in Jiulong River Estuary