
  • 网络Kowloon city;Kowloon City District
  1. 九龙城区康乐体育促进会

    Kowloon City District Recreation and Sports Council

  2. 献主会小学(上午部)选择以一个小朋友梦境的话剧形式介绍九龙城区的特色唐楼及地标。

    Oblate Fathers ' Primary School ( AM ) 's drama performance introduced special buildings and landmarks in Kowloon City .

  3. 邻近的红磡、土瓜湾、马头角及九龙城区共260公顷的现有市区,则可进行市区重建。

    The adjoining 260 hectares of existing urban areas at Hung Hom , To Kwa Wan , Ma Tau Kok and Kowloon City offer opportunities for urban renewal .

  4. 就落实新《市区重建策略》提出的多项建议,政府正积极筹备成立市区更新信讬基金,以及在九龙城区成立首个市区更新地区谘询平台。

    As regards progress in implementing the various initiatives in the new URS , action was in hand to set up the Urban Renewal Trust Fund and the first District Urban Renewal Forum ( DURF ) in Kowloon City .