
  • 网络nine-dashed line
  1. 上月,菲律宾加大了赌注,向海牙常设仲裁法院(PermanentCourtofArbitrationatTheHague)提出了针对中国的仲裁要求,请求裁定九段线无效。

    Last month , Manila raised the ante by forging ahead with an arbitration case against China that asks the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague to rule that the nine-dash line is invalid .

  2. 美国国务院亚太事务助理国务卿丹尼罗素(DannyRussel)对美国国会表示,国际社会将欢迎中国澄清或调整其‘九段线’主张,使其符合国际海洋法。

    Danny Russel , the top US diplomat for east Asia , told the US Congress that the international community would welcome China to clarify or adjust its ' nine-dash ' line claim to bring it in accordance with the international law of the sea .

  3. 中国也应阐明九段线声明的含义,并解释中方希望通过岛屿建设达成什么目的。

    China should also spell out exactly what its nine-dash claim means and explain what it hopes to achieve through island construction .

  4. “我们认为,中国在南海的九段线领土主张是毫无根据的。”他说。

    " We take the position that China 's nine-dash claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea is baseless ," he said .

  5. 今年2月,美国在九段线问题上首次表态,菲律宾对此表示欢迎。

    In February , the Philippines welcomed the move by the US to publicly weigh in on the nine-dash line for the first time .

  6. 罗素敦促中国澄清或调整其九段线主张,使其符合国际海洋法。

    Mr Russel urged China to clarify or adjust its nine-dash line claim to bring it in accordance with the international law of the sea .

  7. 本章在第二节对南海划界中的重要前提问题&九段线的性质进行了分析。

    In the second section of this chapter , an important prerequisite in the South China Sea demarcation problem-the nature of the Kau line were analyzed .

  8. 中国出版的地图上的九段线似乎把南中国海大部分区域划入了中国版图。

    The nine-dash line is a map produced by China that appears to claim that the bulk of the South China Sea is under Chinese control .

  9. 在中国出版的地图上,中方用一条九段线把南中国海圈起来,延伸至越南、马来西亚和菲律宾的大段海岸。

    Chinese maps encircle the South China Sea with a line of nine dashes that runs up to large stretches of the Vietnamese , Malaysian and Philippine coasts .

  10. 他说:中国的领土主张已经不再像国际社会一度认为的那样&声称九段线内200万平方公里的水域全都是中国领海。

    The Chinese claim is not what the international community has thought it to be – that China claims all 2m sq km inside the ' nine-dotted line ' as territorial waters , he says .

  11. 迄今为止中国对该领域最大部分的领土宣称主权,由“九段线”定义的这一领域从中国最南端的海南省向东部南部延伸数百英里。

    China claims by far the largest portion of territory - an area defined by the " nine-dash line " which stretches hundreds of miles south and east from its most southerly province of Hainan .

  12. 中国主张其对几乎整个南中国海拥有主权。在中国地图上,这一主张体现为“九段线”。九段线一直延伸到菲律宾、文莱、马来西亚、越南和印尼的海岸线附近。

    Beijing claims virtually the entire South China Sea . The claims are represented on Chinese maps by a " nine-dash line " that extends to the coastlines of the Philippines , Brunei , Malaysia , Vietnam and Indonesia .

  13. 中国拒绝参加此前由菲律宾提起的挑战中国据以对绝大部分南海地区宣称主权的九段线划分的合法性仲裁,该仲裁由海牙的常设法院审理。

    China is boycotting the case before The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration in which the Philippines is challenging the validity of the nine-dash line that China uses to demarcate its claims to most of the South China Sea .