
  • ninth grade;Grade 9
  1. 新课程下九年级历史有效复习策略的研究

    Study on Effective Strategy of Grade 9 History Revision under the New Curriculum Reform

  2. 九年级学生对函数的三种表示方法的理解程度不一致。

    Students of grade 9 understand inconsistently for function expressed with three methods . 3 .

  3. 这个梦想在九年级的一个下午实现了。

    This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade .

  4. 八年级时,有人告诉我,我必须上美术课才能达到毕业要求,所以九年级时我上了工作室与美术课。

    In my 8th grade , I was told that I had to take an art class as a graduation requirement ; so in the 9th grade I took Studio and Art .

  5. 作为九年级的学生,我们大多数人都要学习到午夜才睡觉。

    As students of Grade Nine , most of us don 't go to bed until midnight .

  6. 这位是Karl,今年九年级。

    This is Karl . He 's in the ninth grade .

  7. 到了九年级,乔布斯去了家园髙中(HomesteadHigh),这所学校的校园有些杂乱,由几栋两层楼的砖砌建筑构成,建筑都被刷成了粉色,当时有2000名学生。

    In ninth grade Jobs went to Homestead High , which had a sprawling campus of two-story cinderblock buildings painted pink that served two thousand students .

  8. grade:年级birthday:生日Serena在你九年级生日派对,上跟你打了个招呼。forgotten:(forget的过去分词)忘却

    Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party , and you 've never forgotten it .

  9. 我见过的一名最好的数学学生,他在我教的九年级(相当于中国高一)数学优等班里的成绩只是C,后来他父亲用5美元贿赂他加入了数学竞赛。

    The best math student I ever taught was getting Cs in the honors ninth-grade math course I was teaching when his father bribed him with a $ 5 bill to join the math team .

  10. PowerDirector下九年级一元二次函数课程资源的开发研究

    The Research of Quadratic Function Curriculum Resource Exploitation Based on PowerDirector in Ninth Grade

  11. 在我的学校与动九年级上册英语短语物园之间是一座石桥。

    Between my school and the zoo is a stone bridge .

  12. 通常包括九年级到十二年级的公立中学。

    A public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12 .

  13. 这就像又回到了九年级

    It 's like it 's 9th grade all over again ,

  14. 我九年级的时候是这样的

    Used to be , when I was in ninth grade .

  15. 九年级学生乔恩在他的邻近地区挨家挨户敲门。

    Jon , a ninth-grader , knocked on doors in his neighborhood .

  16. 在九年级时,洁西卡和乔依丝是最好的朋友。

    Jessica and Joyce were best friends in ninth grade .

  17. 我从九年级的打字课起就想这一刻了。

    I 've been wanting this since ninth grade typing .

  18. 在有此抱负的九年级学生中,61%是男生。

    Among the ninth-grade yeasayers , 61 percent were male .

  19. 该变化影响了从九年级至十二年级的大约200名学生。

    The change affected about two hundred students in grades nine through twelve .

  20. 我怎么会从九年级法语课上记住这个单词呢?

    How I remembered that from ninth grade French ?

  21. 如今,围绕预防药物的讨论是公立学校九年级性教育课程的必修内容。

    Discussion of PrEP is now mandatory in public school ninth-grade sex-ed classes .

  22. 九年级化学教材中化学史的编排及教育功能

    The Arrangement Feature and Education Function of the Chemistry History in Ninth-Grade Chemistry Textbook

  23. 九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜(读书)。

    Students in Grade Nine are allowed to stay up until late at night .

  24. 让我从头开始说起吧,那是我九年级的时候…引自爱酷英语

    Let me start at the beginning . It began in ninth grade ... ,

  25. 我是九年级学生。

    I 'm in the ninth grade .

  26. 这是九年级必读书籍。

    It 's a ninth grade book .

  27. 眼下,这个九年级的毕业文凭在我的生活中不会有多大帮助的。

    Now , this ninth-grade diploma isn 't going to help me much in life .

  28. 从这时候,学生开始上中学,直到八或九年级。

    From there , students go on to junior high school until eighth or ninth grade .

  29. 中学&供第九年级至十二年级的学生就读(年龄十五到十八岁);

    High school & for students in grades nine through twelve ( ages 15 through 18 );

  30. 最后,本文对九年级历史有效复习需要注意处理的关系进行了阐述。

    Lastly , some relationships concerning the effective revision of Grade 9 History are also discussed .