
yǐ fānɡ
  • party B;second party
  1. 乙方应尊重中国的道德规范和社会习俗。

    Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs .

  2. 乙方有义务按照教学要求、按时完成课堂和实验的教学工作。

    Party B should fulfill teaching tasks according syllabus and course schedule .

  3. 其中,质量监督控制水平及有效性和工程款支付决策是BT甲方的决策变量,质量预防控制水平是BT乙方的决策变量。

    In the models , quality supervise level and money payment variables for contract are decided by BT project owner , quality prevention level variables for contract are decided by BT contractor .

  4. 乙方在合作期间的健康及医疗由乙方自行解决。

    The health and illness should solve by Part B themselves .

  5. 应按月支付乙方的工作报酬。

    Party A shall pay Party B 's salary regularly by month .

  6. 合同的甲方和乙方都是谁啊?

    Who are the Party A and the Party B in contracts ?

  7. 设备运输采用木箱包装,公路运输,由乙方负责。

    The equipment shall be road transported in wooden packages by Party B.

  8. 甲方每月为乙方开出付款通知单。

    Party A prepares the payment notice to Party B each month .

  9. 由乙方选派具有互动英语教学经验外籍教师执教。

    Foreign teachers from Party B with TEFL qualifications and business experience .

  10. ①未经乙方同意,单方面解除本委托协议;

    B without consent of the unilateral lifting of the trust agreement ;

  11. 协助指导乙方开展产品广告宣传、促销活动;

    B guide to help carry out product advertising , promotional activities ;

  12. 本案所涉及的的诉讼费用将由乙方来承担。

    Charges by judicial authorities shall be borne by Client .

  13. 甲方授权或允许乙方公开保密信息;

    Party A authorizes or permits Party B to disclose the confidential information .

  14. 否则乙方应承担所有责任。

    Otherwise Party B shall take the full responsibility .

  15. 甲方将协助乙方提交税务部门要求的个人纳税材料。

    Party A will help Party B with any required income tax filing .

  16. 甲方每月支付乙方生活费,费用人民币壹万元整。

    Part A should pay Part B10 thousand for the Cost of living .

  17. 甲方可以扣留部分或全部保证金抵付乙方造成损失的费用开支。

    Party A can withhold part or all deposit to offset the damage .

  18. 乙方须承担该等修缮或保养工程而引起的费用。

    Party B shall bear the costs caused by this repair or maintenance .

  19. 对此,甲方无须向乙方做出任何补偿。

    On that , party a needn 't make any compensation for Party B.

  20. 查看事宜由甲方安排,并征得乙方同意。

    The visit shall be arranged by Party A with consent of Party B.

  21. 应该是“乙方在同等条件下享有优先购买权”吧?

    Party B shall have the right of first refusal under equal conditions .

  22. 乙方在按约定完成工作后,有获得约定费用的权利。

    Party B has the right to be paid after he finishes stipulated work .

  23. 甲方向乙方索赔1000美元。

    Party A claimed $ 1000 against Party B.

  24. 乙方在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的;

    Where Party B fails to satisfy the recruitment requirement during the probationary period .

  25. 未经乙方同意前,甲方不得自行领回缴交之标的证券。

    Customer may not withdraw the deposited underlying securities without the consent of company .

  26. 乙方应保存并向甲方出示相关缴费凭据。

    Part B shall keep and show to Part A the relative payment receipts .

  27. 乙方无权使用该栋大厦外墙的墙壁。

    Party B has no right to use the external walls of the building .

  28. 乙方因病或非因公负伤在规定的医疗期内;

    Party B is in the medical treatment period because of illness or non-work injuries ;

  29. 涉及仲裁费用,全部由乙方承担并预交。

    All arbitration fees will be borne by Party B and be paid in advance .

  30. 乙方拖欠应付给甲方的租金和相关费用超过10个日历天的。

    Lessee is late in releasing the rental payment by more than 10 calendar days .