
  • 网络naaman
  1. 乃缦说,请受二他连得。

    By all means , take two talents , 'said Naaman .

  2. 哦,也许乃缦的皮肤看起来没有任何变化。

    Oh , perhaps Naaman 's skin still didn 't look any different .

  3. 乃缦从水里出来第七次了,看!

    Up from the water Naaman came that seventh time , and LOOK !

  4. 于是乃缦去了约旦河。

    Then Naaman went to the Jordan River .

  5. 乃缦坚持送,但以利沙仍然拒绝。

    Naaman insisted , but Elisha still refused .

  6. 接着乃缦拿出了从叙利亚王那里带来的礼物。

    Then Naaman began to bring out all the gifts from the king of Syria .

  7. 因着这个神迹,乃缦信了那位又真有活的神。

    Because of this miracle , Naaman had believed in the true and living God .

  8. 于是基哈西追赶乃缦。

    So Gehazi hurried after Naaman .

  9. 你的生命就会像乃缦一样被永远地改变!

    Then your life will be changed forever , just as Captain Naaman 's life was changed !

  10. 乃缦可能在以利沙出来以前充满了骄傲和急躁。

    Naaman was probably full of pride and impatience as he waited for Elisha to come out .

  11. 现在,乃缦走在回叙利亚的路上,他整个人从里到外都被洁净而且更新了!

    Now Naaman was returning to Syria , clean and new on the inside and the outside !

  12. 于是,乃缦带着车马到了以利沙的家,站在门前。

    So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha 's house .

  13. 不,耶稣说,他只去了叙利亚国的乃缦。

    No Jesus says , he wasn 't sent to them he was sent to Naaman the Syrian .

  14. 他可能还觉得不公平,因为乃缦比他拥有的多太多了!

    Maybe he was thinking also that it wasn 't fair that Naaman had so much more than he did .

  15. 介绍:今天这一课要讲到乃缦元帅高兴地准备回到他在叙利亚的家。

    Intro : It was an excited and happy Captain Naaman that headed home to Syria in our lesson today !

  16. 乃缦意识到叙利亚的众神只不过是偶像。他们不能帮助他。

    Naaman realized that the gods of Syria were nothing but idols , they had not been able to help him .

  17. 乃缦认识了以色列的独一真神,他的生命被改变了!

    Naaman had just come to know the true and living God of Israel , and his life had been changed forever !

  18. 于是乃缦带着他的车马来到,停在以利沙的门前。

    So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot , and stood at the door of the house of elisha .

  19. 他对你的爱在昨天(或者在乃缦生活的时代前),今天和永远都是一样的。

    His love for you is the same yesterday ( or many years ago when Naaman lived ) , today , and forever .

  20. 于是乃缦带银子十他连得,金子六千舍客勒,衣裳十套,就去了。

    And he departed , and took with him ten talents of silver , and six thousand pieces of gold , and ten changes of raiment .

  21. 5:4乃缦进去,告诉他主人说,以色列国的女子如此如此说。

    And one went in , and told his lord , saying , Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel .

  22. 但神并不是说四,他说的是七。所以让我们和乃缦继续倒下去一次又一次!

    But , God said didn 't say four , He said seven , so Let 's go down with Naaman again , and again , and ? .

  23. 国王迅速写信给以色列的国王,并让乃缦带着金银以及贵重衣服前去。

    The king wasted no time in writing a letter to the king of Israel , and sending Naaman with gifts of gold and silver and rich clothing .

  24. 本应该为着神在乃缦身上所行的神迹欢喜,基哈西却因着贪婪的心去求更多的钱财。

    Rather than rejoicing in the wonderful miracle God had done for Naaman , Gehazi 's greedy heart could only think of getting more money and things for himself .

  25. 我的主人让乃缦将那些金银和昂贵的衣裳带回叙利亚了,他居然一样东西也不要乃缦的。

    My master let Naaman go back to Syria with all that silver and gold and those expensive clothes , and wouldn 't take one thing Naaman offered him !

  26. 列王记下5章9节说,于是,乃缦带着车马到了以利沙的家,站在门前。

    II Kings 5 : 9 says , So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot , and stood at the door of the house of Elisha .

  27. 但乃缦元帅步入了约旦河,因为他认识到并不是水能使他得洁净,而是相信并且顺从神的道!

    But in stepped Captain Naaman , for he realized it wasn 't the water that would make him clean . It was believing and obeying God 's Word !

  28. 乃缦元帅因着神的医治内心充满了感激和赞美。他是那么地愿意帮助神先知的仆人。

    Captain Naaman 's heart was so full of gratitude and praise to God for his healing , he was eager to give to the servant of God 's prophet .

  29. 也许从以色列来的小女仆开始并不知道,但不久她就听到了可怕的消息,乃缦元帅长了大麻风。”

    What was wrong ? Perhaps the little servant girl from Israel didn 't know at first , but then she heard the dreadful news : Captain Naaman had leprosy !

  30. 她可以说,”这是乃缦残酷对待以色列人民的报应!”相反,她深表同情并想办法帮忙。

    She could have said , " That 's what Naaman deserves for treating the people of Israel so badly ! " Instead , she felt compassion and wanted to help .