- 名critical period

The leaves has high containing water during water critical period .
Physiological and biochemical research on critical period of floral initiation in Rhododendron hybrides
Ethylene production changed during the different stages of dormancy and germination . A peak of ethylene production occurred on the 30th day after stratification at 2 ℃ .
Daily mean attack number of people was highest in emotional low period and there was significant difference with emotional high and critical periods ( P < 0.01 ) .
GA3 contents , POD activities and invertase activities started to increase significantly while IAA contents started to decrease significantly when plants entered the critical stage of flower-bud differentiation ;
The critical control period of the weed was 740 days after seeding .
玉米是需水较多的作物,对水分代谢的临界期在开花前8 ̄10d开始的约30d之内。
Corn is the crop , which needs much water . The critical stage of moisture metabolism is within 30 days beginning with 8-10 days before blooming .
During the stage of physiological differentiation of the control , GAs , ZRs and the ratio of GAs / ZRs experienced a gradually increased course , whereas IAA decreased in the beginning and increased at the end of physiological differentiation .
结果表明:敌草快和肾上腺皮质激素对妊娠末期胎鼠动脉管具有收缩作用,且引起收缩的临界期均在胎龄19 ̄20d。
The result showed that diquat and adrenocortical hormone affect ductus arteriosus of rat fetus and the critical contraction time is between 19 and 20 days .
But activities of CAT fall quickly from 30 days . So 30 days is physiologically a critical period of hydrogen peroxide metabolism under 5 ℃ cold storage and is consistent with the threshold value of cold storage of pupae .
The total respiration and EMP-pathway increased gradually and the critical period occur on the 30th day in " Qinguan " apple seeds after stratification at 2 ℃, and then the total respiration and EMP went up rapidly .
A simulated equation of weeds to wheat yield loss was established in this paper . The economic threshold for weed control was 102.1 m · g · m - 2 of the product of height and dry weight ( 15-20 plants / m 2 weed density ) .
Bud stage is the key stage for potato water needs .
Changes of Neuronal Ultrastructure During Brain Developmental Critical Periods of Experimental Hypothyroid Rats
Pesticide persistence beyond the critical period for control leads to residue problems .
Studies on the Critical Period of Floral Determinaton in Decapitated Seedlings of Cucumber
Water is crucial for beet yield during the phyllome speed - growth stage .
The critical period for susceptibility of human stereopsis
The critical transplanting date is July 28 .
The study on critical period of brain development
The critical period of weed control is at 25 to 40 days after sowing .
The critical phase of cell differentiation occurs when the death programme is being run .
So it has been suggested that special preventive measures be taken for that critical tide . Three .
The critical period of nitrogen and phosphorous is early while the critical period of potassium is comparatively late .
The main cause of chilling injury in the annual branches was the losing of water at critical period ;
Preliminary research on regularity of occurrence of flixweed and the critical period of competition between flixweed and winter wheat
Studies on the critical period of floral differentiation and changes of endogenous hormone contents in the decapitated seedlings of cucumber
ObjectiveTo study the expression of GAP-43 hippocampal formation during brain developmental critical period of both hypothyroid and excessive iodine rats .
The competition threshold of weed to no only rape but also wheat were 30 to 80 days after crop planting .
The extraordinary plasticity of the young brain occurs only during a narrow window of time known as the critical period .