
lín mó
  • copy;copy a model of calligraphy or painting
临摹 [lín mó]
  • [copy a model of calligraphy or painting] 照原样摹仿写字或画画

  • 他在临摹伦勃朗的画

临摹[lín mó]
  1. 这幅画是直接写生的呢,还是临摹的?

    Was this picture painted direct from nature or from a copy ?

  2. 他临摹的画足以乱真。

    The copy he made of the painting can pass for authentic .

  3. 他们临摹那些希腊花瓶上的图案。

    They copied the designs from those on Greek vases .

  4. 现在按照体型由小到大的顺序画出或是临摹出10只恐龙。

    Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size .

  5. 许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。

    Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters .

  6. 像大多数临摹者一样,她也把原画家的签名临摹到画上。

    She copies the true artist 's signature as part of a painting , as do most copyists .

  7. 基于Web的气动书法机械手遥临摹

    Web Based Tele Calligraphy of a Pneumatic Manipulator

  8. 本研究从I.④临摹试验。

    In this study , I. ④ copying drawing .

  9. 然后这个图像就会显示在WorkplaceFormsDesigner界面中,可以在这里“临摹”所有元素,逐像素地重新生成纸质表单。

    This image is then displayed in the Workplace Forms Designer interface , where you can trace over all the elements , reproducing the paper form pixel-for-pixel .

  10. 在C/C++的超级脚本语言Ch环境下,用户在客户端书写的书法可以被格式化成脚本程序,通过网络在远程气动机械手上临摹书写。

    Under the C / C + + superset interpreted language Ch , calligraphy handwritings by users in client machine will be formatted , sent , and calligraphed in a far located pneumatic manipulator through Internet .

  11. 那个年轻的艺术家对那副名画进行了一次临摹。

    The young artist made a replica of the famous painting .

  12. 做这事儿的人不管是谁都有一件好的临摹品。

    Whoever did that had to have a really good copy .

  13. 计算机辅助临摹技术是计算机艺术的分支,是一个新生的产物,是艺术与科学的融合。

    Computer aided copying technique is a branch of digital art .

  14. 设计和临摹严格说来都是生产劳动的一部分。

    All this is strictly part of the labour of production ;

  15. 这幅画是直接从大自然写生而不是从画上临摹的。

    It is painted directly from nature instead of from books .

  16. 他正在临摹一枚古币的图样。

    He had been copy the drawing of an antique coin .

  17. 公共图像成为美术学习中模仿和临摹的重要对象。

    Public image becomes art imitating and copying learning important objects .

  18. 建筑画临摹中的色彩分析

    Color Analysis in the Process of Copying Architectural Perspective Drawing

  19. 中国山水画与西方风景画意境比较两宋花鸟册页的赏析与临摹

    The Artistic Conception Compare Between Chinese Landscape Paintings And Western Scenery Paintings

  20. 我觉得临摹是很好的老师。

    I think that copying is a very good teacher .

  21. 像你这样善于临摹的也很重要。

    Men who can copy paintings like you are necessary .

  22. 父亲把自己锁在屋里一临摹就是几小时

    My dad would lock himself away and copy them for hours .

  23. 论美术教学中的欣赏、临摹、写生三者之关系

    On the relation among enjoying , copying and sketching in art teaching

  24. 你能画出一份与这幅画一模一样的临摹画吗?

    Can you make an exact copy of this picture ?

  25. 我所临摹的图像来自于英国的奴役手册,

    This iconic diagram was taken from a British slaving manual

  26. 临摹、偷取或只是艺术工?

    To copy or to steal , or is it merely artwork ?

  27. 一类解析函数的星象性二是分析性临摹;

    On the Starlike of Analytic Function the second is the analytic imitation ;

  28. 我们进行临摹,在北京举办了展览。

    We made copies of them and put them on exhibition in Beijing .

  29. 潘天寿对绘画很感兴趣,开始临摹知名小说中的插图。

    Interested in painting , Pan began by copying illustrations from popular novels .

  30. 书法教学中从临摹到创作之断想

    Random Thoughts on Calligraphy Teaching from Copying to Creation