
  • 网络cornucopia;horn of plenty;Cornucopian
  1. 实际上,他的象征是丰饶之角。

    In fact , his symbol is the cornucopia .

  2. 他常与节杖,丰饶之角,三个头的地狱看门狗。

    He is often associated with a sceptre , cornucopia , or Cerburus , the three-headed dog .

  3. 由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。他常与节杖,丰饶之角,三个头的地狱看门狗有关。

    Because of his association with the underworld , Hades is often thought of as a grim figure . He is often associated with a sceptre , cornucopia , or Cerburus , the three-headed dog .