
  • 网络Fengyuan;Toyohara
  1. 丰原素为枯草杆菌F29-3所产生的一种抗生素,能抑制真菌的生长。

    Bacillus subtilis F29-3 produces fengycin , which is antagonistic to fungi .

  2. 请问这公共汽车直达丰原吗?

    A : Is this a direct bus to Feng Yuan ?

  3. 丰原生化是国家指定华东地区燃料乙醇唯一制造商。

    BBCA Biochemical is the unique fuel ethanol producer authorized by the government in the East region of china .

  4. 餐饮业者利用报废之糖铁巡道车和原料车作为露天席位。台中县丰原市圆环西路。

    The owner of this restaurant uses a railcar and cane cars as tables . Feng-Yuan , Taichung City .

  5. 我也是受了你们的感召,而在2002年决定担任丰原分会的公关副会长,开始服务会友。

    Following your step , I started my service by accepting the position as VPPR of FYTC in2002 to serve members .

  6. 丰原食品研发中心与丰原食品同步诞生,是丰原集团强势进入食品产业的主力军之一。

    BBCA food r & d center , sharing same born date with BBCA food , is one of main force that BBCA Group is pushing in food industry strongly .