
  1. 对沈阳市公园绿化树种的应用和配置进行了分析,结果表明:公园绿化应用树种较丰富,部分公园树种比例搭配较为合理,生物多样性较高。

    The status of the application and ordonnance of tree species in parks of Shenyang were analyzed . The results showed that the tree species was abundant , the ordonnance proportion of tree species was reasonable in some degree and the diversity of tree kinds was high in parks .

  2. 伦敦被评为夜生活最丰富、拥有最佳公园的城市。

    London won out for having the best nightlife and public parks .

  3. 特别是伦敦,过去它曾以丰富的街道和公园生活而闻名于世界。

    London , in particular , used to be known throughout the world for its rich street and park life .

  4. 希冀本研究在理论上能够丰富我国城市公园领域和旅游者感知形象领域的研究成果。

    It is hoped that this study , in theory , would be able to enrich the field of city parks and tourism image .