
  • 网络Mesosaurus;Mesosaurus Gervais;zolo;Mesosaurs
  1. 与西方文化中龙的形象不同。

    This dragon differs from the dragons in the Western tales .

  2. 浅谈建筑施工中龙门架安全技术

    Safety Technology for the Gantry Crane in Construction

  3. 柞蚕茧中龙胆酸及其糖苷高压液相色谱研究

    A Study of the Gentisic Acid and Its Glucoside in Tussah Cocoon by High-pressure Liquid Chromatogram

  4. 第五部分是云南少数民族中龙母题产生的文化背景。

    The fifth part is the background information about how the dragon motif comes into being in Yunnan minority folk literature .

  5. 结果通过乙腈沉淀蛋白,采用乙酸乙酯进行提取,可使含药血清中龙血竭特征成分的提取率达到80%以上。

    Results The average recovery of Dracaena 's major components reached 80 % after precipitated by acetonitrile first and then extracted by ethyl acetate .

  6. 资中龙(Zizhongosaurus),发现于四川省资中县,意思是“来自资中的龙”,是一种大体型、长脖子的食草恐龙。

    The Zizhongosaurus , discovered in Sichuan 's Zizhong county , meaning ' lizard from Zizhong ' : a large-bodied , long-necked herbivorous dinosaur .

  7. 而本篇文章撰写的意义就在于此,通过对汉画像石文化中龙图像这一传统图像元素进行分析和研究。

    But this article is important , for this writing , through to the han culture grave fresco is going the traditional image image element analysis and research .