
zhōng jiān
  • middle;between;among;mean;centre;midst;short
中间 [zhōng jiān]
  • (1) [centre;middle]∶中心

  • 中间突破

  • (2) [between]∶在事物两端之间或两个事物之间

  • 中间驰至九天。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 坐在他们两个中间

  • (3) [among]∶在里面

  • 生活在人民群众中间。

中间[zhōng jiān]
  1. 现在激进分子中间无疑弥漫着一种宿命情绪。

    There 's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals .

  2. 简是他们中间最圆滑的人。

    Jane is the most diplomatic person among them .

  3. 她从一群午餐时饮酒的人中间挤了过去。

    She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers .

  4. 这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。

    The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly .

  5. 直接从生产厂家购买,绕过中间商。

    Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman .

  6. 在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。

    I was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus .

  7. 我们住的地方大致在这里和海滨中间。

    We live roughly halfway between here and the coast .

  8. 他的中间名是威廉,取自他祖父的名字。

    His second name is Willem , after his grandfather .

  9. 她被挤在门和桌子中间。

    She was squashed between the door and the table .

  10. 好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。

    A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic .

  11. 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers .

  12. 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠。

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain .

  13. 本领就在于避开这两个极端,走中间路线。

    The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes .

  14. 拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle .

  15. 它大约位于伦敦和布里斯托尔的中间。

    It 's about halfway between London and Bristol .

  16. 这窗帘中间合不拢。

    The curtains don 't meet in the middle .

  17. 我们中间有个叛徒。

    There is a traitor in our midst .

  18. 我在乔和黛安娜中间坐下。

    I sat down between Jo and Diana .

  19. 男孩子向路中间冲去。

    The boy dashed out into the road .

  20. 钢笔在中间那个抽屉里。

    Pens are kept in the middle drawer .

  21. 他就像一条变色龙,可以神不知鬼不觉地隐藏在背景中间。

    Like a chameleon , he could merge unobtrusively into the background

  22. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。

    Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists .

  23. 她得意洋洋地站在他们中间,为受人瞩目而高兴。

    She stood preening in their midst , delighted with the attention

  24. 他独自一人在大厅中间。

    He was all alone in the middle of the hall .

  25. 别想当然地就接受中间人推荐的诉状律师。

    Don 't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker .

  26. 她被困在一堆乱七八糟的木料和树枝中间。

    She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches .

  27. 双方只会通过中间人间接接触。

    The two sides would only meet indirectly , through middlemen .

  28. 让他呆在中间是不是有什么目的?

    Is there some design in having him in the middle ?

  29. 我们真的不清楚霍滕斯在这中间起什么作用。

    We don 't really know where Hortense comes into all this

  30. 英国人几乎在所有这些问题上都选择了中间路线。

    In nearly all these issues the British steered a middle course .